This is the only one like it that I've seen. and I would really like to do some research on it. But I don't know what it is called. First to describe it I would say it is a type of silhouette, made out of silver foil, with a few layers. It is close to a type of work done by Kirstein in Strasbourg in the early 19th c. He made repoussee medallions, but also occasionally also added another layer of silver, to give a 3 dimensional effect. This, I presume is a little later, and was probably an effort to mass produce a work of art. I would think that they made a stamp to produce a number of repoussee sheets out of silver foil. The brass/bronze ornament on the frame is also stamped or rolled out with a hunt scene on it. The hanger has a more military theme, and the frame itself is fairly typical for a miniature frame, except of course it is more horizontal than vertical. The idea was obviously to produce a decorative item, in series. I would guess that if the seal is broken, the silver would tarnish, and the item would often be wrecked. Otherwise I would think this would have been quite a successful idea, and more commonly found.
My guess is it is from Alsace or Germany. But I will be happy with a name in either French, German, or any language that will give a Google result. I have tried to find another piece comparable is all three languages, but no luck.
By the way the lable on the back is that of a well known silhouette collector.