Bruckmann Modell Nr 435 - more info + cleaning problem

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Bruckmann Modell Nr 435 - more info + cleaning problem

Post by DRobinson »


I have just acquired some of this flatware, and would appreciate any information anyone has about it.
I know the manufacturer, model number, and the design date is 1909, but that's all.

All of the flatware is entirely covered in gold - I think it is Vermeil, as opposed to gold wash, but do not know how to tell the difference.

This is a picture of a piece I already had - the gold pieces are way too dirty at the moment to get a good pic.

Regarding how dirty the gold pieces are: I've been trying to clean them, but without much success. There's lots of brownish-gunk all over them. I am very reluctant to use an abrasive, and have been looking into ionic cleaners. Does anyone have any experience with these machines? Any help on this is much appreciated.
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Re: Bruckmann Modell Nr 435 - more info + cleaning problem

Post by silverfan »

try it with ZEKOL, available in drugstores or perhaps ALDI Süd. You can write me a private mail (I wrote a PM to you on 16.10.13, but didn't get an answer)
Regards Dirk
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