Naval Mess Silver

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Naval Mess Silver

Post by dognose »


Below is a report from 1883. I've come across the odd few pieces of naval mess flatware over the years, but examples are fairly few and far between, which is surprising considering the amounts released for sale (no doubt there were other sales beside the one reported below), and as they were sold above the bullion price, they were sold for use rather than to be melted.

Navy Silver Plate.–30,000 ounces of silver plate (forks and spoons) has recently been sold by order of the Government, under the following circumstances. The practice of the Navy has been that the commanding officers of her Majesty's ships have been supplied with silver and electro-plate under regulations and on payment of a percentage on the value. Of late years, however, since the improvement in the manufacture of electro-plate, commanding officers have preferred to draw it for their personal use, as involving less responsibility and less charge to them, consequently large quantities of silver have been returned into store. These stocks were collected and sold at a price slightly above the current market price of silver. Only about 20 per cent, of the silver was new, no silver having been purchased by the Government for some years past.

Source: The Watchmaker, Jeweller and Silversmith - July 1883

Does anyone have any examples of the above that they can share on the forum? It would also be interesting to know who were the suppliers of these Government contracts.

(The old-fashioned term 'Plate' used in the above report indicates Sterling silver)

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Re: Naval Mess Silver

Post by dognose »

20,000 Spoons and 20,000 Forks for the New York Navy Yard

Washington, D. C, Aug. 12.–The Navy Department, through the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, is inviting sealed proposals until Aug. 30 for furnishing the New York Navy Yard with 20,000 spoons and 20,000 forks. The goods are to be of pure white German silver, not less than 18 per cent, nickel, perfectly plain in style, highly polished and finished, and must weigh 20 ounces avoirdupois per dozen. The spoons must measure 8 1-16 inches and the forks 7 7-16 inches and must be delivered within 15 days after date of contract.

Prospective bidders desiring blank forms of proposals can obtain same upon application to the Navy Pay Office at New York, or to Edwin Stewart, Paymaster General, U. S. N., Washington, D. C.

Source: The Jewelers Circular - 17th August 1898

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