Marienplatz 29, München

Carl Weishaupt - München - 1908
The company traces it's history back to 1692 and the founder, Franz Benedikt Leismiller. The business passed to his son, Joseph Bonaventura Leismiller (1698-1737) who had served his apprenticeship with his uncle Joseph Grossauer. Following the early death of Joseph, his widow ran the business along with J.G. Uhl until 1758, then her son Franz Xaver Leismiller (1735-1810) took over, but died childless. The business then passed to Franz's journeyman, Anton Weishaupt (1776 -1832), who had married into the family, and then to his son, Carl Weishaupt (1802-1864).
Carl Weishaupt's son, Max II Weishaupt (1838—1903) succeeded to the business in 1868, and his widow, Anna, from 1903 until 1918. Their daughter, Clara, was married to August Neresheimer.
The marks of the Weishaupt company:
Clara and August's daughter, Hanni Biehler, ran the company up until 1944, then it passed to her son, Rudolf Biehler, until 1999.
Since 1999 the business of Carl Weishaupt has been in the hands of Florian Biehler.