help with maker paris maison commune 1789

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help with maker paris maison commune 1789

Post by trevorg »


Could anyone help identify the maker of this small silver beaker. The marks I recognise are those of Paris "Maison Commune" of 1789 but the makers mark and charge/discharge mark I have been unable to identify.



Re: help with maker paris maison commune 1789

Post by Francais »

I guess I can help a little. The top mark in your photo is probably just end of the next mark below it, it didn't strike well so they re-struck it.
The next mark on the right is a charge mark for 1789. It is not well struck there is a A in the center, and a design in another circle surrounding it. There are 7 of these in Tardy. This mark occasionally is poorly struck, I don't know why, yours is an example and the surrounding circle is only visible from about 11 to 4 o'clock. The discharge mark is missing, but then it is 1789.
I presume there are no other marks besides the maker's mark.
I can't make out the first letter, perhaps you can. The next letter looks like an E to me. There aren't many silversmiths with a last name beginning with a E, I could find none that fit.
The thing on the bottom of the mark is either a lump or the top of a P, B, or R. Normally to find a mark without the first letter is tedious and futile, but I did try looking for a silversmith with a last name beginning with these three letters and a middle name beginning with an E. No luck.
Perhaps with a closer cropped photo, larger mark or better description I could do better, but I doubt it.
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Joined: Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:33 am
Location: France

Re: help with maker paris maison commune 1789

Post by trevorg »

Hello Francois,
Thank you for your help. The makers mark looks like a star under a fleur de lys with a pellet each side of the star, the right hand letter is, I believe, a B, the letter under the star could be a P but that is a guess, the left hand letter is not visible. I will try and take a better picture. Sadly my research information on French silver is limited to Tardy and the internet.....I must get better informed!

Re: help with maker paris maison commune 1789

Post by Francais »

If the shown letter is a B and the one below is a P then it could be Jean-Baptiste PIAT.
Unfortunately Paris maker's marks as a rule had a crowned fleur de lys and two pellets, and the center symbol the star is quite common.
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