Crowned TH Scandinavian or Hanau

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Crowned TH Scandinavian or Hanau

Post by Francais »

This is a small two handled cup, a little over 8 cm tall. I have had it for years, and some years ago I saw some pepper shakers or something with similar marks. They were identified as Scandinavian, I can't find my notes. Anyway on this site the marks are shown in Hanau silver. I have my doubts.The same marks, with a centering punch are attributed to Hanau, I presume because they "identical" to the ones with the same "P" shown above. They don't look identical to me.
As to why I doubt this is Hanau, I admit I have never had a high opinion of what came out of Hanau. Perhaps the hundreds of pieces I have had were just bad examples. In any case this piece has a centering punch, is soldered together, has real repoussee work, a lot of wear on one engraving and little one the other, showing use over many years, the top band and probably the lower one are soldered on, the marks are struck not moulded in. Finally the body shows ever evidence to having been raised.
So your opinion.
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Re: Crowned TH Scandinavian or Hanau

Post by Bahner »

Hello, not all Hanau makers cast the pieces, there were also (mostly small) makers who made the pieces by hand, using the "classical" methods of a silversmith like hammering, chiseling etc., especially in the years before 1900. So the fact that this piece was done completely by hand does not exclude the possibility of a Hanau maker. As to the marks - I do not know enough about silver marks of other European countries before 1900 to tell whether these are real marks or pseudo marks. Regards, Bahner

Re: Crowned TH Scandinavian or Hanau

Post by Francais »

Thanks, I just talked to a knowledgeable friend who said almost the same thing as you. I am still a bit curious, I have seen one other similar, vaguely, piece. I just don't see why someone would raise a beaker, etc, instead of using rolled silver and a seam. The time involved is so much greater.
I wouldn't mind seeing a Hanau raised beaker, if anyone has one to show.
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Re: Crowned TH Scandinavian or Hanau

Post by Bahner »

Hello, I suppose it is the old battle of craft versus economy. Some silversmiths just do it "the old way", regardless of profit. I admire that attitude a lot (in craftsmen and craftswomen, that is). Regards, Bahner
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Re: Crowned TH Scandinavian or Hanau

Post by AG2012 »

I just don't see why someone would raise a beaker, etc, instead of using rolled silver and a seam.
So true, even some of the best Hanau silversmiths Schleissner & Söhne did not bother to raise silver and seams are cleverly hidden within the décor — uneven solder seam adjusted to the decor about ¼ inches proximally to the bottom and really difficult to see (arrow 2). Longitudinal seam is also well hidden (arrow 1).But I may not have seen the best Hanau silver using classical methods. A proven Hanau piece of raised silver is needed.
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