Janet Price is now Chicago District Sales Manager for Iberia Air Lines of Spain. To briefly catch up to Jan, she was section sponsor in the china department of Marshall Field & Company 1935-39; buyer and in charge of diamond stock for J. Jessop & Sons, San Diego, Calif. 1939-51; and then became associated with C. D. Peacock, Chicago jewelers. She is a member of the Chicago Travel Women's Club and the Alliance of Business and Professional Women.
Source: Lasell Leaves - November 1958
Information Regarding C.D. Peacock & Co.
Re: Information Regarding C.D. Peacock & Co.
An early-closing movement has been inaugurated among the retail houses in Chicago, and a petition is being circulated to close at 1 o’clock Saturdays and at 5.30 other days during July and August. As it is headed by Spalding & Co., Hyman, Berg & Co., and C. D. Peacock, it is apt to be pretty generally signed.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular and Horological Review - 1st July 1891
Source: The Jewelers' Circular and Horological Review - 1st July 1891
Re: Information Regarding C.D. Peacock & Co.
R. McMillan, formerly with Giles, Bro. & Co., has been employed by C. D. Peacock.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular and Horological Review - 8th July 1891
Source: The Jewelers' Circular and Horological Review - 8th July 1891
Re: Information Regarding C.D. Peacock & Co.
Earl Luscomb, who has been associated with the silverware department of C. D. Peacock, Inc., for some time, has been placed in charge of this firm’s stationery department. Mr. Luscomb has been connected with the jewelry industry at Chicago for a great many years.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 14th September 1927
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 14th September 1927
Re: Information Regarding C.D. Peacock & Co.
W. H. Wiley, of the jewelry department of C. D. Peacock, Inc., returned last week from a six weeks’ sojourn to Valparaiso, Fla., where he visited with friends.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 27th April 1927
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 27th April 1927
Re: Information Regarding C.D. Peacock & Co.
E. D. Smith, of C. D. Peacock, Inc., returned home recently from California where he and Mrs. Smith spent two months resting and enjoying the pleasant weather. Mr. Smith returned home alone and Mrs. Smith will return here about May 1.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 27th April 1927
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 27th April 1927
Re: Information Regarding C.D. Peacock & Co.
Miss Louise Voltz, buyer of china, glassware and gift wares for C. D. Peacock, Inc., is in New York and other eastern points visiting factories and making purchases for the new department this firm is installing when they move to their new location in the Palmer House, on the southeast corner of State and Monroe Sts. Their gift department will be one of the largest and finest in the country, and the entire third floor will be given over to this department. Miss Voltz is to be gone six weeks.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 15th December 1926
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 15th December 1926
Re: Information Regarding C.D. Peacock & Co.
C.D. Peacock - Chicago - 1927
Re: Information Regarding C.D. Peacock & Co.
In C. D. Peacock's window there is a display of briar root pipes embellished with inlaid silver filagree work, done by peasants of Bosna, a division of the Austrian Empire. The pipes bring high prices and are much sought after by those who have the leisure and income to indulge in such luxuries. As examples of artistic workmanship, they have no equal in domestic made goods.
Source: The Jewelers' Review - 2nd February 1898
Source: The Jewelers' Review - 2nd February 1898