Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

Post by dognose »

Mappin & Webb Ltd. - London - 1913

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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A tortoiseshell lidded box assayed at Birmingham:







Mn & Wb - Birmingham - 1917

The sponsor's mark is over-striking that of another.

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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Mappin & Webb Ltd. - London - 1912

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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Mappin & Webb - London - 1887

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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Mappin & Webb - London - 1887

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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Mappin & Webb

Mn & Wb - London - 1929

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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A table centrepiece by Mappin & Webb:


This centrepiece was presented to the 9th Lancers in 1903 by the Cape Mounted Rifles to commemorate their close friendship that was formed during the Boer War.

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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A gilt dessert service modelled and manufactured by Mappin & Webb:


This dessert service was presented to Charles Henry Allen in 1911 by the Buenos Ayres Great Southern Railway Company recognising Mr. Allen's service to the company.

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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Mappin & Webb Ltd. - London - 1920

Mappin & Webb Ltd. - London - 1920

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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Mappin & Webb Ltd. - London - 1920

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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Mappin & Webb Ltd. - London - 1920

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

Post by dognose »

A Mappin & Webb wine coaster, assayed at Edinburgh in 2004:









M&W - Edinburgh - 2004

Mappin & Webb have been registered with the Edinburgh Assay Office since 1953. They were also registered with the Glasgow Assay Office.

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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M&W - Sheffield - 1915

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

Post by dognose »

Mappin & Webb, who are pulling down their old premises in Oxford St., in order to erect a building which will be faced with Greek marble after the designs of the celebrated architect, Mr. Belcher, A. R. A., had a remarkable surprise on the 9th inst. The workmen, who were taking up the flooring in one of the large top workshops discovered a number of paper parcels packed together in the double flooring. The hoards consisted of silver candlesticks, trays, fish knives and forks and other articles of silver, many of which, strangely enough, were, owing to the carefulness of the packing, almost as bright as when they were put away; others being somewhat cloudy, while the plated articles had a patina of an opalescent character. The value of the find is estimated at about £500, and the goods must have been hidden away about a quarter of a century since. It is believed by the firm that the man who was responsible for hiding the goods, undoubtedly with the object of stealing them, is in America, which, by the way, seems to be the refuge of quite a number of roguish silversmiths. I can call to mind about four who held fairly good positions in London and who disappeared to “the States” when their tricks were discovered.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 13th February 1907

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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An example of the work and mark of Mappin & Webb, assayed at London in 1907:




MnWb - London - 1907

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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The facts as to the daring but unsuccessful attempt to rob the jewelry establishment of Messrs. Mappin & Webb, just close by the Mansion House in the city of London, are as follows : The premises, which occupy one of the leading positions in the city, stand on an island. An observant detective noticed a couple of men acting in a strange manner, one standing a long time looking at his bicycle, and another apparently reading a newspaper but looking over it. This aroused his suspicions, and he sent for more police. A cordon of police were unobtrusively placed around the establishment, with the result that five men were captured with their pockets absolutely full of the best jewelry they could find, worth over £40,000. When the police entered the establishment, they found that the watchman had been struck, bound and thrown into a corner.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 8th September 1909

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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Daring Robbery of a London Silversmith and Jewelry House Frustrated in Time

One of the most daring and carefully planned robberies in the annals of the jewelry trade was reported from London, Eng., Friday. According to the account, 10 men were engaged in the attempt, the victims being Mappin & Webb, well known silversmiths and goldsmiths, whose establishment is close to the Bank of England and the Royal Exchange.

Jewelry valued at $35,000 had come into the possession of the thieves and was stacked up ready for removal, when the aims of the men were frustrated by the fact that the watchman, whom they had bound and gagged, escaped, and his cries brought the police.

About 3 o’clock in the afternoon, the watchman appeared in the door in a battered condition, yelling for help, and at the same moment four men ran out of the store and escaped in a cab. The police, who arrived on the scene, arrested six others.

Smith, the watchman, was taken to the hospital in an unconscious condition, and was not able to talk until evening. He expressed the belief that the robbers entered the building by means of a false key. "I was having dinner about half-past 2 o'clock,” he said, "in a room adjoining the strong room, when I heard footsteps. Most immediately I was struck on the head with a 'jimmy' and knocked off my chair. A number of heavy blows followed and I collapsed. When I came to myself I found that I was bound to a chair, but I managed to unfasten the ropes and scrambled to the door and raised an alarm. There were 10 men concerned. All were smartly dressed.”

Smith’s injuries are very serious. Three of the arrested men, when searched by the police, were found to have in their possession jewels estimated at a value of many thousands of dollars.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 25th August 1909

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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EDWARD MAPPIN, Esq., Deceased. In pursuance of the Acts to further amend the Law of Property, and to relieve Trustees (22nd and 23rd Vict, cap. 35)

Notice is hereby given, that all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands against the estate of Edward Mappin, Esq., late of Nos. 67 and 68, King William-street, in the city of London, of Wharncliffe House, Clapham Park, in the county. of Surrey, and of Queen's Cutlery Works, Sheffield, deceased (who died on the 11th day of January, 1875, and whose will proved by Joseph Charles Mappin, of Woodlands, near Battle, in the county of Sussex, Esq., Frederick Thorpe Mappin, of Sheffield, in the county of York, Esq., brothers of the deceased, and Frederick Clifford, of the Inner-court, Temple, in the city of London, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, three of the executors therein named, on the 19th day of February, 1875), are required to send particulars of their claims or demands to the undermentioned, Solicitors of the said executors, on or before the 8th day of December next, after which day the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Edward Mappin, having regard only to the claims or demands of which they may then have notice; and the said executors will not be liable for the assets so distributed to any person of whose claim or demand the said executors shall not then have had notice.—Dated 23rd day of October, 1875.

WILSON, BRISTOWS, and CARPMAEI, 1, Copthall-buildings, London, E.C., Solicitors to the said Executors,

Source: The London Gazette - 26th October 1875

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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Mappin & Webb - London - 1897

AN interesting gathering in the Museum Buildings, Maidstone, a few days since, when the Mayor, Mr. Joseph Barker, on behalf of the Town Council, presented a silver medal and clasp to each of the nurses who had served during the recent typhoid epidemic. Amongst those present at the ceremony were the Lord Mayor of London, the Sheriffs, and the Mayors of Colchester and Queenborough.

In a brief speech the Lord Mayor said that, speaking on behalf of the citizens of London, he wished to offer his sympathy to Maidstone, and at the same time heartily to congratulate all concerned on the noble work which had been done in stamping out the terrible epidemic from which the town had suffered. He also congratulated the town on the generous response which the citizens of London and other parts of the kingdom had made to the Mayor's appeal for help, the relief fund having reached a total of 27,900l. The medals were designed and modelled by Messrs. Mappin and Webb, Queen Victoria Street and Oxford Street.

Source: The Graphic - 25th December 1897

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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Mappin & Webb Ltd. - London - 1908

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