x-ray test

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Re: x-ray test

Post by AG2012 »

Have seen this post just now:
It’s not x- ray technique used in medicine; the salver would have given just a shadow. It’s bombarding the metal with x-rays and exciting its atoms to emit radiation of a particular wavelength. The tube-sample-detector assembly has to be constant so samples are normally prepared as flat discs of about an inch in diameter. The tolerances for this placement and for the flatness of the surface must be very tight in order to maintain X-ray flux. So, it`s rather naïve to assume they got correct results placing the salver in front of the tube and measuring both flat surfaces and repoussee etc. Forget the results; we do not want this nice piece of silver cut into 1`` samples, do we? As Joerg said „Wer misst, misst Mist“.
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