Information Regarding the Alvin Corporation

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Re: Information Regarding the Alvin Corporation

Post by dognose »

George E. Fahys, of the Alvin Silver Co., 20 Maiden Lane, returned last week after a trip through the west taken in the interest of his firm.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 4th August 1920

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Re: Information Regarding the Alvin Corporation

Post by dognose »

Salesmen of Alvin Silver Co. Hold Annual Meeting at Sag Harbor

The annual salesmen's meeting of the Alvin Silver Co., was held at the home office of the company, Sag Harbor, N. Y., on June 15 and 16. Every salesman on the company's sales force was present at the meeting, several having traveled 3,000 miles to attend the convention.

The first day was devoted to business discussion. George Fahys, president, opened the meeting and spoke of the necessity of adopting a new science of salesmanship. H. F. Cook, vice-president, gave an outline of the problem connected with the production end of the business. C. W. Harman, general manager, mentioned among other things the advantages of the new resale prices on sterling and asked that each of the salesmen express their opinion on this subject.

In the general discussion which followed, each of the salesmen explained his views on business conditions in his territory. All were quite optimistic for this Fall's business. All of the salesmen seemed to be in favor of the new sterling resale prices, and stated that their customers with few exceptions had taken to the change very enthusiastically.

A buffet lunch was served at 12:30 o'clock and at 1:30 P.M. W. E. Hayward, sales manager, called the meeting to order again, and an inspection of the new samples of sterling hollowware, toiletware, and certain sets in sterling flatware followed.

Ernest Fahys, advertising manager, outlined the advertising plans for the year for both plate and sterling, and distributed to the salesmen portfolios on the sales promotion campaign for plate which campaign he explained in detail. A general discussion followed.

In the evening a bowling match was held between the eastern and western salesmen which after several hotly contested games was won by the eastern team.

On Friday at 10 A.M. everyone assembled at Tindall's Grove, North Haven. This is a most beautiful spot with water on three sides and a grove of large trees running down to the water's edge.

A program of athletic events was run off as follows: 100 yard dash, egg and spoon race, sack race, fat man's race, tug-of-war between east and west, running broad jump, baseball game between east and west. Prizes were awarded to J. D. Grassick, R. Pierce, and A. Helleman, as winners of the greatest number of points in the above events.

At midday everyone sat down to a real old-fashioned Rhode Island clam bake. Everyone agreed that "Louis," the Sag Harbor clam bake expert, knew how to prepare and serve a clam bake.

Those present at the meeting were as follows: G. B. Beiderhase, F. B. Clark, H. F. Cook, Harry Cook, G. E. Fahys, Jr., Joseph Fahys, P. J. Gordon, J. D. Grassick, C. W. Harman, J. Hamden, W. E. Hayward. A. Helleman, E. J. Hines, H. G. Leavitt, H. N. Lorish, G. Love, D. Low, G. Nagle. E. Norton, J. S. Paine, H. G. Payne, R. Pierce. G. Robinson, M. E. Savvis, C. Schaefer, E. D. Schaefer. F. E. Shelton, W. E. Somers. J P. Stearns, H. M. Stewart. A. T. Steubner, F. G. Thayer and B. C. Wilson.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 28th June 1922

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Re: Information Regarding the Alvin Corporation

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J. D. Grassick, who has been associated with the Alvin Silver Co., for several years, and who formerly represented the company on the Pacific Coast, the past year traveling out of the Chicago office, has been appointed manager of the San Francisco office, to take effect Jan. 1. Mr. Grassick will remain in Chicago for another week before starting west.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 20th December 1922

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Re: Information Regarding the Alvin Corporation

Post by dognose »

Alvin Silver Company - Sag Harbor, N.Y. - 1920

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Re: Information Regarding the Alvin Corporation

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The headquarters of the Alvin Mfg. Co. were moved last week from Sag Harbor, L. I., to 52 Maiden Lane. It is announced that this removal was made so that the company could better serve the trade in a more central location. Shipping will still be made from Sag Harbor. H. B. O'Brien, sales manager of the company, is in charge of the new place and will make his headquarters at this address as soon as alterations are completed. Geo. Harnden, southern salesman of the company, is now stationed at Camp Upton, Yaphank, L. I.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 8th May 1918

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Re: Information Regarding the Alvin Corporation

Post by dognose »

Alvin Manufacturing Co. - Sag Harbor, N.Y. - 1918

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Re: Information Regarding the Alvin Corporation

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Alvin Mfg. Co. - New York - 1908

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Re: Information Regarding the Alvin Corporation

Post by dognose »

The Alvin Mfg. Co. to Make the “ Brooklyn ” Silver Service

The Alvin Mfg. Co., 4 Maiden Lane, New York, whose factory is located at Sag Harbor, L. L, have captured the honor of supplying the $8,000 silver service which the city of Brooklyn is to present to the new cruiser which bears her name. The committee had a difficult task to make a selection, but Saturday evening, by a unanimous vote, they awarded the prize to the Alvin company, whose design was known as No. 5. The committee were authorized to make a contract at once with the company. It is expected that the service will be completed within three months, but the presentation will probably not take place until three months later, when the cruiser will be ready to go into commission.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular and Horological Review - 5th February 1896

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Re: Information Regarding the Alvin Corporation

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Alvin Mfg. Co. - New York - 1898

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Re: Information Regarding the Alvin Corporation

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Alvin Mfg. Co. - New York - 1908

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Re: Information Regarding the Alvin Corporation

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C. D. Outten, who is connected with the Alvin Mfg. Co., silversmiths and jewelers, at Fifth Ave. and 35th St., New York, was the candidate for member of Assembly for the Seventh Assembly District on the Prohibition ticket.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 10th November 1909

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Re: Information Regarding the Alvin Corporation

Post by dognose »

Alvin Mfg. Co. - New York - 1897

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Re: Information Regarding the Alvin Corporation

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Alvin Mfg. Co. - New York - 1897


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Re: Information Regarding the Alvin Corporation

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Alvin Mfg. Co. - New York - 1897


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Re: Information Regarding the Alvin Corporation

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The new factory building of the Alvin Mfg. Co., located at Irvington, is now about completed and the company will take possession of it on Jan. 1. The building is large, well lighted, and has all modern facilities for doing rapid and perfect work, with accommodations for about 300 hands. A number of neat cottages will be erected in the Spring on adjoining property, for the accommodation of workmen employed by the company.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular and Horological Review - 7th December 1892

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Re: Information Regarding the Alvin Corporation

Post by dognose »

Alvin Mfg. Co. - New York - 1891

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Re: Information Regarding the Alvin Corporation

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The Alvin Mfg. Co., which moved to 48 Maiden Lane, when its old building at 52 was torn down, is to return to its former address when the addition to the Fahys building is completed. It is expected that the company will occupy the store and two or three floors above in the new structure which is to be ready for occupancy by Jan. 1, 1907.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 7th February 1906

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Re: Information Regarding the Alvin Corporation

Post by dognose »


R. A. Talbot, of the New York office of the Alvin Mfg. Co., stopped over here on his way to attend the convention at Omaha. Mrs. Talbot accompanied him.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 4th August 1909

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Re: Information Regarding the Alvin Corporation

Post by dognose »

Alvin Manufacturing Co. - New York - 1894

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Re: Information Regarding the Alvin Corporation

Post by dognose »

The Alvin Mfg. Co. are showing in their window at 54 Maiden Lane the sterling silver golf prizes which they designed and made for the open tournament of the Queen’s County Golf Club, to be held Oct. 14, 15 and 16. The prizes include a loving cup, an individual tea set, a toilet set, a
pitcher and a medal.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 13th October 1897

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