Information Regarding The Mauser Manufacturing Co.

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Re: Information Regarding The Mauser Manufacturing Co.

Post by dognose »


On Saturday evening, April 20th, fifty loyal friends of Senator Timothy D. Sullivan tendered him a dinner and a magnificent silver loving cup, in the private dining room of the Hoffman House. The menu was an elaborate one and the event will long be remembered by those present.

Hon. Timothy P. Sullivan acted as toastmaster and Congressman Sulzer made the presentation speech (to “him we love) in his usual eloquent, brilliant and felicitious way. Other speeches of congratulation were made by Hon. Daniel E. Finn, Hon. George F. Roesch, Hon. Julius Harburger and Hon. Patrick F. Trainor.


The cup was a most magnificent affair standing over six feet high, solid silver, with a base of onyx and gold handles. The weight of the cup is 750 ounces. It has the likeness of Senator Sullivan on one side and St. Tammany on the other, with the names of the donors engraved on the base, as follows: Hon. Thomas F. Grady, Hon. William B. Calvert, David Ryan, Samuel Kahn, George J. Kraus, Thomas L. Foley, Lawrence Mulligan, Hon. Timothy P. Sullivan. Michael C. Padden, Hon. Benjamin Hoffman, George Considine, John Considine, Martin Engel, Thomas J. Brady, Louis Leavitt, John Fitzgerald. John A. Dooner, D. F Mullaney, Frank Farrell, Joseph Vendig, Andrew J. Hughes, Manny Monheimer, Manny Chappelle, Hon. John B. Sexton, William H. Leonard.

“The City of New York," was the toast Justice George F. Roesch responded to. Hon. Julius Harburger talked of the Eleventh District and Hon. P. F. Trainor on “Unity.” Solid silver souvenir busts of Senator Sullivan, framed in Mexican onyx, were kept as mementoes of the occasion which Mr. Louis W. Olms. who had charge of the service. said eclipsed anything in his twenty-six years’ of experience. Here is a picture of the cup and the names of Senator Sullivan’s guests.

T. P. Sullivan, toastmaster. John C. Fitzgerald. William Sulzer. Alderman Fleck. F. J. Farrell. Joseph Dunn. John A. Dooner. Nicholas J Hayes.
Thomas J. Brady. William H. Leonard. Manny Chappeile. George F. Roesch. Julius Kaufmann. Isaac Fromme. Samuel Kahn. Louis Leavltt.
P. H. Sullivan. Eugene D. Wood. Lawrence Mulligan. P. F. Trainor. John B. Sexton. David Ryan. Thomas F. Foley. Benjamin Hoffman. “Battery Dan" Finn. D. F. Mullaney. Julius Harburger. George J. Kraus. Percival E. Nagle. Maurice Mannheimer. Dr. M. B. Feeney. Joseph H. Vendig. John J. White. George Considine. John Consldine. Martin Engel.

Source: The Tammany Times - 29th April 1901

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Re: Information Regarding The Mauser Manufacturing Co.

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Frank Mauser, one of the best known silversmiths in this country and founder of the Mauser Mfg. Co., of Mt. Vernon, N. Y., died suddenly on April 10 in New York City. At one time he was superintendent of the Whiting Mfg. Co., of New York City.

Source: The Brass World and Platers Guide - May 1908

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Re: Information Regarding The Mauser Manufacturing Co.

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The Mauser Company - New York - 1910

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Re: Information Regarding The Mauser Manufacturing Co.

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Passers-by in Warren street. New York, had an opportunity recently to admire a beautiful specimen of American cut glass displayed in the show windows of L. Straus & Sons. The article was a large loving cup which in many respects surpassed the finest Straus productions heretofore. The cup was made for a presentation piece and the order for it is indirectly due to the fact that L. Straus & Sons have furnished cut glass for some of the best known European royal households, notably that oi the Czar of Russia.

The loving cup was of an extraordinarily large size, and was completely covered, even the three handles, with a very fine cutting. Those that know the process of glass cutting, will appreciate the fact that although the piece was of very large size, and the design of cutting a most intricate one, there was not a single hexagon, diamond or other figure, which would not stand the test of measurement as to it's trueness and correctness. It is difficult to describe this piece in detail, but a more beautiful piece of cut glass has seldom been seen. The sterling silver mounting of this cup was supplied by the Mauser Manufacturing Company, of New York, and they certainly did themselves great credit. It consisted of a very elaborate band with hand chased ornamentation, beautifully designed and excellently carried out. Mr. Kolb, manager of the Mauser Manufacturing Company, gave the work his special attention, and the mounting was a fitting embellishment to this handsome piece of cut glass.

Source: The Jewelers Review - 21st June 1899

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Re: Information Regarding The Mauser Manufacturing Co.

Post by dognose »

Mauser Mfg. Co. - New York - 1898

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Re: Information Regarding The Mauser Manufacturing Co.

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The Mauser Manufacturing Company - New York - 1902

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Re: Information Regarding The Mauser Manufacturing Co.

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Estate of the Late Edward Holbrook Brings Action in New York Supreme Court Against Mt. Vernon Co. Silversmiths

A suit by the estate of Edward Holbrook, late president of the Gorham Co. and Gorham Mfg. Co., to recover on notes aggregating $140,000 made by the Mt. Vernon Co., Silversmiths, was filed in the New York Supreme Court last Thursday, through Dawes, Abbott & Littlefield, attorneys.

The first claim is on notes of $20,000, signed July 29, 1918, and payable May 19, 1919; the second claim is for $10,000 made Nov. 22, 1918, payable in six months; the third is for $10,000, dated Dec. 12, 1918, payable on demand; the fourth is for $15,000 on Jan. 29, 1919, payable on demand. The other notes all payable on demand, were made as follows: $30,000 on Feb. 13, and $29,000 on Feb. 2, 1919.

Except for the latter notes, all were signed by H. A. MacFarland, president. The others were signed by William H. Goodman, treasurer.

Mr. Holbrook died May 19, 1919, and his executors made demand for the payment of the notes before bringing suit.

It was recently reported that an application to dissolve the Mount Vernon corporation had been made, but the original proceedings that were started for this purpose were discontinued, though later action was taken under another section of the statutes to wind up the corporation with the directors as trustees, in this way avoiding receivership.

No answer has been filed in the suit brought by the Holbrook estate and it is not probable that one will be for a short time.

According to George Comstock of the firm of Olney & Comstock, attorneys for the corporation, the suit is welcome as an effort to straighten out certain matters between the estate and the company. The defense will be that the notes were paid by issuance of stock.

The Mount Vernon Co., Silversmiths, succeeded to the business of several old concerns. The company was incorporated in the latter part of 1914, under the laws of New York with an authorized capital stock of $600,000 of which $200,000 was preferred and $400,000 common stock. The company was organized for the purpose of purchasing the Rogers Williams Silver Co., of Providence, R. I., and H. A. MacFarland, Inc., of Mt. Vernon, N. Y., taking the assets and liabilities of both companies, and for the purpose also of purchasing the assets of the Mauser Mfg. Co., Inc., of Mt. Vernon, N. Y.; the company was independent of and had no connections whatever with any silver company notwithstanding that the Gorham Co. was part owner and stockholder of the Roger Williams Silver Co., and H. A. MacFarland, Inc. In January, 1914, the company made arrangements to purchase the real estate owned by the H. A. MacFarland, Inc., and Mauser Mfg. Co. The Rogers Williams Silver Co. and the plants of the Roger Williams Silver Co., and H. A. MacFarland, Inc., were moved to the factory of the Mauser Mfg. Co. The Rogers Williams Silver Co. business was started as the Howard & Co., Inc., and was later known as the Howard Sterling Co. before it was reorganized as the Roger Williams Silver Co.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 14th December 1921

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Re: Information Regarding The Mauser Manufacturing Co.

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The tendency of the times is towards cooperation. This is especially true in the matter of trade organizations.

The Sterling Silverware Manufacturers, for instance, is the name of a new organization that has been formed in the jewelry industry, with headquarters at 15 Maiden Lane, New York City. H. A. MacFarland, of the Mount Vernon Company, Mount Vernon, N. Y., is president of the association, which has for its purpose the improvement of general trade conditions. Other officers are Charles W. Harman, Alvin Manufacturing Company, 15 Maiden Lane. New York City, vice president; W. A. Kinsman, Towle Manufacturing Company, Newburyport, Mass., treasurer; Frederick S. Taggart, 15 Maiden Lane, secretary, New York City.

The board of directors is composed of Messrs. MacFarland, Harman and F. A. Howard, Frank M. Whiting Company, North Attleboro, Mass.; George C. Lunt, Rogers, Lunt & Bowlen Company, Wallingford, Conn.; H. B. O'Brien, International Silver Company, Wallingford, Conn., and Alfred K. Potter, the Gorham Manufacturing Company, Providence, R. I.

Source: Advertising and Selling - 3rd May 1919

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Re: Information Regarding The Mauser Manufacturing Co.

Post by dognose »

Mauser Mfg. Co. - New York - 1900

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Re: Information Regarding The Mauser Manufacturing Co.

Post by dognose »

The Mauser Mfg. Co., silversmiths, 14 E. 15th St., have been elected members of the New York Jewelers’ Association.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular and Horological Review - 19th February 1896

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Re: Information Regarding The Mauser Manufacturing Co.

Post by dognose »

Suits by Gorham Mfg. Co. to Protect Its Patents on Moulds for Casting Metals

Suit was begun, recently, in the United States Circuit Court at New York, by the Gorham Mfg. Co., against the Mauser Mfg. Co., also Max Ams, president, and Gustaf Kolb, treasurer of the latter company, to restrain an alleged infringement of a patent owned by the Gorham Mfg. Co. on moulds for casting metals, the complainant alleging that there has been infringement by the defendant company and its officers. Herbert Knight, attorney for the plaintiff, obtained a subpoena, and as there has not yet been an appearance on the part of the defendants, the defense is not outlined, though will probably be a general denial.

A number of similar suits are now pending. Howland Murray & Prentice, last week, entered their appearance as attorneys for Dominick & Haff and H. Blanchard Dominick upon whom a subpoena was served some time ago. In the case against Joseph G. Weyer, Providence, R.I., the defendant filed an answer to the complaint, not denying the validity of the patents, but denying that there has been infringement. To this the plaintiff has just put in its replication, and it is expected that the case will go to trial. Testimony is now being taken in the suit brought against Graff, Washbourne & Dunn, Tiffany & Co. and the Whiting Mfg. Co. have taken out licenses under the terms of which they are permitted by the Gorham Mfg. Co. to use the patented processes.

The patents in question are based on the mixture of plaster of paris and non-melting fibers, such as asbestos, in forming moulds, also on certain uses of rubber patterns from which are constructed intricate moulds.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 1st February 1905

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Re: Information Regarding The Mauser Manufacturing Co.

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Benedickt Fischer, vice-president of the Mauser Mfg. Co., died Monday morning in the Hudson St. Hospital from heart disease, with which he was stricken on a Ninth Ave. elevated railroad train Friday. Mr. Fischer was 64 years old and was president of the American Encaustic Tiling Co., of 1123 Broadway, and a member of the Colonial, Union and Merchants’ Clubs and of the Leiderkranz. After Mr. Fischer had been stricken with heart disease he was removed to the Hudson St. Hospital from the Franklin St. station of the Ninth Ave. “L,” and members of his family immediately summoned. When the family arrived Mr. Fisher was unable to recognize any of them. He remained unconscious almost to the time of his death, his condition being such that it was not deemed advisable to remove him from the hospital.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 18th March 1903

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Re: Information Regarding The Mauser Manufacturing Co.

Post by dognose »

Mauser Mfg. Co. - New York - 1898

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Re: Information Regarding The Mauser Manufacturing Co.

Post by dognose »

The Mauser Mfg. Co., 14 E. 15th St., New York, awake to the increased demands of the jewelry trade, have prepared for this Fall a collection of new lines of silver ware that will indubitably win much favor among judicious buyers. Their regular lines have been strengthened and many additions have been made. “Our lines of stand-bys." said Mr. Kolb to a Circular representative, "such as large pieces in silver and silver mounted glass are larger and more beautiful than ever. Our lines of table and toilet ware have been augmented by new designs whose marketableness has been enhanced by that omnipotent factor —reasonable prices. Our assortments of novelties comprise ‘leaders’ of which we are justly proud, the inkstand advertised in this week’s issue of The Circular being only one of a great many ‘snaps.’ We look forward to a booming business.”

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 14th September 1898

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Re: Information Regarding The Mauser Manufacturing Co.

Post by dognose »

Mauser Mfg. Co. - New York - 1899

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Re: Information Regarding The Mauser Manufacturing Co.

Post by dognose »


J. M. Stanley, representing the Mauser Manufacturing Company: H. E. Cobb, representing Daggett & Clapp Company; B. R. Froher and L. E. Fay, representing D. Wilcox & Co., who formerly occupied Room 807, of the Columbus Memorial Building, have moved down to the seventh floor, where they occupy Room 712, which the Chicago Jewelers' Association have just vacated.

Source: The Jewelers Review - 3rd May 1899

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Re: Information Regarding The Mauser Manufacturing Co.

Post by dognose »

Mauser Mfg. Co. - New York - 1897

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Re: Information Regarding The Mauser Manufacturing Co.

Post by dognose »

The Mauser Mfg. Co., 14 E. 15th St., have given notice to their employes that the salaries of those wishing to enlist in the army will be continued.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular and Horological Review - 4th May 1898

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Re: Information Regarding The Mauser Manufacturing Co.

Post by dognose »

The line of silver mounted cut glass shown by the Mauser Mfg. Co., 14 E. 15th St., New York, is unquestionably one of the largest and most varied produced in recent years. Colored cut glass with mountings in Roman gilt finish, forms the most artistic assortment of the line, which is saying a great deal. There are other assortments remarkable for low prices and general attractiveness. The company’s catalogue contains illustrations of the greater portion of the line.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular and Horological Review - 29th September 1897

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Re: Information Regarding The Mauser Manufacturing Co.

Post by dognose »

Mauser Mfg. Co. - New York - 1897

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