13, Hunter Street, Sydney
Hardy Brothers, Watchmakers and Jewellers, 13 Hunter-street.–This business, which is the leading one of its kind in Sydney, was established in 1839 by Mr. John Hardy and his brother, Mr. Samuel Hardy, who remained the home partner up to the time of his decease, when he was succeeded by his son, who has since retained that position. Mr. John Hardy is assisted in Sydney by his eldest son, who was admitted into partnership a few years ago. Their stock consists of all articles of the very best quality embraced in the jeweller's and watchmaker's trade; and as a proof of their standing in public appreciation, although the business is conducted upstairs and without show windows, all visitors of note to the city view the establishment before leaving. Their stock of diamonds, jewellery, and gems is held to be second to none out of London; their watches are'only of the best makers, and their silver plate would satisfy the most fastidious. The manufacture of plate and trophies, and the setting of gems is all carried on by a staff of workmen and assistants, numbering generally from twenty-five to thirty.
Source: The Aldine Centennial History of New South Wales - W. Frederic Morrison - 1888
Hardy Brothers - Sydney - 1881
SYDNEY, N.S.W.–The casket of which we give an illustration, was recently presented along with an address to the Earl of Jersey, the Governor of the Colony, as a token of respect from the people of New South Wales. It was executed by Messrs. Hardy Bros, of Sydney, from the design of Mr. Mitchelhill. It weighs about 150 ounces, and is 13 inches long, 6 inches wide, and 8 1/2 inches high The curved sides of the body are of polished silver, the legs or supports being of hammered silver oxidised. On the front are two panels of mother-of-pearl mosaic in antique gold setting, and placed centrally between them is a shield enamelled with the badge of New South Wales in colours, surrounded by a wreath of waratahs wrought in silver. The ends of the casket are adorned with shields bearing, in raised letters, the date and place of presentation, and the plain polished surface of the back is broken by a large laurel wreath wrought and frosted. The hinged lid has its polished surface relieved by slight repousse panels, leading off to ornamental corners, and serves as a base for a group of Lord Jersey's coat-of-arms blazoned in enamel. To the left and right of this are placed modelled plaques of the family crests of Childs and Villiers.
Source: The International Studio - Volume 28 - 1906
Hardy Bros. - Sydney - 1888
Hardy Bros. - Sydney and Brisbane - 1897
Hardy Bros. - Brisbane - 1920
Hardy Bros. - Melbourne - 1953
Hardy Bros. - Sydney - 1962
Established in 1853.
See: https://www.925-1000.com/forum/viewtopi ... 46#p189946