Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

Post by dognose »

Mr. Webb, the English cutler, has just died leaving a fortune nearly of $1,000,000 and it is believed that a large part of it would never have accumulated but for the novel plan he bit upon for advertising. It was due to his own personal suggestion that the firm of which he was a member em­barked upon a continuous and enormous advertising system in the days when han­som cabs first came into use. He bought for a little money the right to display his advertisements on the splash boards of the cabs, and the name of Mappin & Webb for along period was as familiar to the eyes of Londoners as the two-wheelers themselves. Four or five hundred of these cabs, with the firm name upon them in faded letters, are still running.

Source: Jamestown Weekly Alert - 4th January 1884

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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Mappin and Webb - London - 1870

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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Mappin and Webb (India) Limited - Bombay - 1948

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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Toasting-goblets by Mappin & Webb, assayed at London in 1975:




Mn&Wb - London - 1975

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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Mappin & Webb Ltd. - London - 1917

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

Post by dognose »

A platinum bikini valued at $9,500 was made by Mappin and Webb Jewelers, London. It was worn by Miss United Kingdom in the 1977 Miss World beauty pageant.

Source: Guinness Book of World Records - 1980

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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Mappin & Webb Canada Limited - Montreal - 1918

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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Mappin & Webb - Paris - 1933

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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The Cup has been presented to the Commonwealth Council of the Rifle Association of Australasia by the Chairman, Colonel J. M. Templeton, to be competed for in the Commonwealth match. Around the body of the trophy are chased in bold relief the arms of the six different colonies, whilst the whole is surmounted by a beautifully modelled figure of “Victory.” This trophy has been specially designed and manufactured by his Majesty’s silversmiths, Messrs. Mappin & Webb, of Oxford St..London.

Source: The Illustrated London News - 25th May 1907

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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Mappin and Webb (India) Limited - Bombay - 1947

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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Mappin & Webb Ltd. - London - 1932

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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Mappin & Webb Ltd. - London - 1923

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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Mappin & Webb - London - 1966

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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Mappin & Webb - London - 1929

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

Post by dognose »

The directors of Mappin & Webb, jewelers and silversmiths, say that although business for the present year is in excess of the similar period during last year, owing to the adverse foreign exchange they feel it prudent to wait until the accounts for the year have been made up before declaring a dividend.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 10th October 1923

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

Post by dognose »


Man Who Is Alleged to Have Passed Bogus Checks on Canadian Jewelers Committed for Trial

Montreal, Can., Aug. 31 — Luger Quinn, a man well known to the police, was arraigned before Judge Lanctot on Monday, on charges of obtaining goods by false pretenses and forgery. According to the statements of the detectives who made the arrest Quinn presented to the jewelry firm of Henry Birks & Sons, an accepted check for $2,200, in payment for diamond rings and other jewelry. When the check was presented at the bank the accepted stamp on it was found to be a forgery.

The firm of Mappin & Webb, Ltd., were also victimized in the same way. A check bearing the name of Armand Decarie was given them by Quinn for some purchases of jewelry. The amount of the check was $1,450, Quinn receiving a balance in cash. On the presentation of the check at the bank it was returned with a note stating that the acceptance stamp had been forged.

Quinn was committed for trial on Sept. 6th, bail being refused.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 7th September 1921

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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Mappin & Webb Ltd. and Mappin Bros. - London - 1905

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

Post by dognose »


The renown which attaches to the great silver-working and cutlery industries of Sheffield is shared in a notable degree by one of their most eminent representatives, the house of Messrs. Mappin Brothers, of the Queen’s Plate and Cutlery Works. This is one of the oldest and most famous of typical Sheffield firms, and its history dates back as far as the year 1810. For the past fifty years the vast and constantly increasing business has been carried on under its present title, but three years ago the business was remodelled, and since then the technical skill displayed in the able administration of this important concern has led to success almost unparalleled. The firm has the advantage, also, of the services, as manager, of Mr. W. H. Willoughby, who has had many years’ experience in the trade, and is thoroughly conversant with all its details. The Queen’s Plate and Cutlery Works are very extensive, and comprise all the departments incidental to a large industry, the chief products of which are silverware, electro-plate, and high-class cutlery. The establishment is perfectly appointed throughout, all the machinery and appliances being of the most improved type known in the trade, and regular employment is given here to a large number of skilled workpeople. Messrs. Mappin Brothers’ show-rooms, in connection with the works, contain a magnificent stock of their unsurpassed manufactures, and display all those beauties of design and workmanship which, together with a special standard of excellence in quality, have made the goods of this house famous and esteemed throughout the civilised world. Much distinguished patronage has been bestowed upon the firm during its long and prominent career, and it was Messrs. Mappin Brothers who executed the remarkably beautiful and artistic gold casket presented by the Corporation of the City of London to the German Emperor, on the occasion of His Majesty’s visit in July, 1891.

Through the medium of their splendid show-rooms at 220, Regent Street, and 66, Cheapside, London, Messrs. Mappin Brothers deal direct with the public, and the two establishments referred to are among the most attractive and best known in the metropolis. The firm also supply the trade in all the principal towns of the United Kingdom, and they conduct a very extensive export trade with India, Australia, South America, and the Continent, a great amount of foreign and Colonial business being done through shipping houses. Messrs. Mappin Brothers’ manufactures cover the entire scope of the silver, electro-plate, and fine cutlery trades, and they have separate departments for table cutlery, spoons and forks, razors, pocket cutlery, solid silverware, dressing bags, and electro-plated goods. In all these departments the firm excel, both in the quality and in the design and finish of their goods, and their trade increases continuously, the development of the business during the last two years having been especially marked.

Messrs. Mappin Brothers’ highly artistic productions have gained the most eminent awards at the great exhibitions, including five prize medals at London (1851), and five more at London (1862). The demand for these goods is world-wide, and they are well known everywhere by the “Corporate mark” of the house — the sun. As most of our readers are doubtless aware, this noted Sheffield firm are the donors of the much-coveted “Mappin Brothers’ Cup,” presented by them for competition at the National Rifle-Association’s meetings, formerly at Wimbledon, and now at Bisley. Messrs. Mappin Brothers were cutlers and silversmiths by appointment to His Majesty King William IV., and to Her Majesty Queen Victoria on her accession, a warrant the renewal of which they have just had the honour of receiving by order of Her Majesty. Their addresses are: 66, Cheapside, London; 220, Regent Street, London; and Queen’s Works, Sheffield.

Source: Progress - Commerce - 1893

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

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Mappin & Webb Ltd. - London - 1915

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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.

Post by dognose »

The series of art lectures instituted by Messrs. Mappin and Webb, together with the classes dependent upon them, are still being continued. The fourth of the series has just been delivered by Mr. W. F. Booker, the manager of the cutlery department ; the attendance on the part of the artisans, on whose behalf the course of instruction has been inaugurated, being all that could be desired. The subject of the lecture was Etruscan and Roman design, and on the same principle that has governed previous sessions the art classes for the forthcoming quarter will be for the special study of these styles of ornament. The classes meet every Thursday night, and as their advantages become more apparent the list of students attains greater dimensions. Instruction is given by the artists, designers, and managers of the firm, who cannot fail ultimately to reap the fruit of their public-spirited action. This new departure in the direction of technical education in its truest sense might be imitated with advantage by other houses in the silver and electro-plate trade.

Source: The Watchmaker, Jeweller and Silversmith - 1st December 1892

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