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A silver memorial vase, designed and made by Tiffany & Co., New York, was presented to the mother of Ensign Worth Bagley on Christmas morning, at Washington. The top of the vase is surmounted by an eagle perched on an anchor placed on a disk studded with 45 stars. The obverse shows a splendid etching of the young officer, in the full dress of an ensign of the United States Navy, and the national coat of arms. The reverse contains the Inscription.
A somewhat immoderate demand was recently made upon Tiffany and Co., by which they are asked to pay into the State Treasury nearly 200,000 dols. as taxes upon dividends paid to their shareholders during the last twelve years.
Source: The Watchmaker, Jeweller and Silversmith - 1st September 1892
William H. Jenks, recently marked the fiftieth anniversary of his connection with the silverware department of Tiffany & Co. The board of trustees of the firm availed of the interesting event to make him the recipient of a beautiful silver vase of artistic design, specially made at the works of Tiffany & Co. His immediate associates in the store manifested their esteem by presenting him with a handsome drawing-room clock bearing a suitable inscription. Both of these unique tokens of regard were accompanied by letters of felicitation. Mr. Jenks first became connected with Tiffany & Co. immediately after the removal of the firm from 271 Broadway to 550 Broadway, near Prince Street, which latter location was then considered very far up town. By an interesting coincidence he completed half a century with the firm just as it 1s about to remove from its present location in Union Square to palatial premises at Fifth Avenue and Thirty-seventh Street. Notwithstanding long period of activity, Mr. Jenks is still in the enjoyment of unusually vigorous health.
In looking over the plunder found in the trunks in the rooms of James H. McGill, who was arrested on suspicion of receiving stolen property last week, a reporter for a local paper found a watch with the initials J. B., which in every way tallied with the watch carried by James Bullen, an employe of Tiffany & Co., when the latter disappeared from his home 305 W. 42d St.. Manhattan, April 11 last. The police were informed and have been endeavoring to get information from the man who sold a quantity of jewelry to McGill, and who is now in jail, that would lead to a clue of the disappearance of Bullen.
A 1935 advertisement from Arthur O. Haenelt, formerly with Tiffany & Co.:
Arthur O. Haenelt - Providence, R.I. - 1935
Arthur O. Haenelt, formerly with Tiffany & Co., New York, is now located at 95 Fountain St., this city, where he is making a specialty of craftsmanship jewelry.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 2nd January 1924
Arthur O. Haenelt, formerly with Tiffany & Co, New York, has removed from 95 Fountain St. to the Lapham building, 290 Westminster St.
M. Frederick Savage, who is said to be the oldest employe of Tiffany & Co., has an unusual painting on display at the exhibition of the Society of Independent Artists which opened last week at the Waldorf- Astoria . The painting is attracting considerable attention and was illustrated in one of the local newspapers.
Charged with having committed jewel robberies at Tiffany’s London house and at another London jewelry store, and carrying away gems worth $25,000, A. Preston Green and Charles P. Rohrer were arrested on the Hamburg liner Amerika, and arranged in the Toombs Court. Forty-one pieces of costly jewelry as well as 140 loose diamonds were found on the men when they were arrested and turned over to the police. Among the loot are a crescent of twenty-one diamonds, a brooch set with forty diamonds, fourteen diamond and ruby scarfpins, seven other diamond brooches, one diamond five-loop bar, seven rings set with diamonds, sapphires and emeralds, and one square emerald of four karats, set with twelve diamonds. Magistrate Barlow held the men in $10,000 bail each on the charge of bringing stolen property into the State.
Tiffany & Co. have received a letter from P. Bruckmann & Sohne, silversmiths and jewelers, Heilbronn, Wurtemberg, to the effect that one of their European representatives, who has sailed for New York, is suspected of having taken with him considerable of the firm’s silverware, which has been stolen. Tiffany & Co. have been asked by the German firm to assist in recovering the goods, and no doubt suitable compensation will be given to any jeweler who can furnish information that would cause the arrest of the thief.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 25th November 1903
Dr. George F. Kunz, vice-president of Tiffany & Co., Fifth Ave. jewelers, was reelected president of the American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society at that organization's annual meeting held Monday. Dr. Kunz, who has been president for 23 years, announced that $77,000 had been received in gifts during 1929, the largest amount received in any year since the society's beginning.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 30th January 1930
Tiffany & Co. have been rewarded for the tenacity with which they followed up their law suit, by finally obtaining a satisfactory decision from the United States Circuit Court of Appeals. The point at issue was an Interesting one. Since the passing of the tariff act of July, 1897, the Tiffany firm has imported a quantity of what are known as drilled pearls. The law provided fora duty at the rate of to per cent. ad valorem on pearls ‘in their natural state,’ not strung or set in the form of jewelry. The phrase ‘in natural state' was interpreted by the customs’ officials as not referring to drilled pearls, and they charged the latter as manufactures not otherwise provided for, at 20 per cent. ad valorem. The nature of the Tiffany claim was that the pearls were practically in their natural state and were accordingly subject to duty at to per cent., as provided by the act of 1897. The decision of the customs authorities was sustained by the board of general appraisers and subsequently by the United States Circuit Court, A second case was then presented by the jewelry firm, and on December 16th their appeal was sustained on all grounds. The final decision will no doubt be approved by the trade.
Tiffany & Co., last week, took judgment in the District Court at Atlantic City, N. J., against C. P. Palmer, of Oriental Ave., and formerly of Chicago, on a note for $2,800 given in payment for jewelry.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 1st February 1905
Dr. George F. Kunz, of Tiffany & Co., was last week elected vice-president of the American Historic Preservation Society, the organization which was so active in saving the Palisades, and in other work along similar lines. The annual reports on the precious stones of California and North Carolina have been prepared for those States by Dr. Kunz. He says that the development of the mineral resources of the two States, as indicated by statistics, is in some respects quite surprising.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 8th February 1905
The Buffalo authorities have notified the local police department of the arrest of Lawrence G. McLeod, who is charged with sending in a bogus order to Tiffany & Co., New York, for $2,300 worth of goods. McLeod is employed by the Standard Jewelry Co., of this city, and this concern has asked the police of Buffalo to hold McLeod.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 15th February 1905
The new firm of Wright, Campbell & Ginder was legally incorporated on July 5, and at a meeting of the stockholders the following officers were elected: President, H. Victor Wright; vice-president and treasurer, Malcolm P. Campbell; vice-president and secretary, Wallace Ginder. John Wesley Hunt, formerly with Tiffany & Co., New York, and recently vice-president of Brock & Co., will also be actively associated with the new firm and will hold the office of vice-president. Mr. Ginder is just starting for New York and the eastern markets, where he will be met by Mr. Wright, who will start east Aug. 4. Mr. Wright will remain with Brock & Co. until Aug. 1. He will have his headquarters at the Hotel Pennsylvania while in New York.
Mrs. Harriet Olivia Aveny Young Tiffany, the wife of Charles L. Tiffany, of Tiffany & Co., jewelers, of Union Square, New York, died last week at her home, 255 Madison-avenue, in her eighty first year.
Mrs. Tiffany was the daughter of Judge Young, of Killingly, Conn., where Mr. Tiffany was born. When Mr. Tiffany came to New York sixty years ago he met a companion of his boyhood, J. B. Young, who subsequently became his partner, and who was a brother of his future wife. The life of Mr. and Mrs. Tiffany has been a long one of prosperity. They had four children, Louis C. Tiffany, head of the Tiffany Decorating Company and the Tiffany Glass Company; B. Y. Tiffany, another son, and two daughters. The funeral services were held last Friday at the family residence. In deference to the wishes of the family, the services were simple, consisting of prayers, reading of the Scriptures and the singing of "Nearer, My God, to Thee." A large number of friends and old employés of Tiffany & Co. were present. The interment was in the Tiffany plot in Greenwood Cemetery.