Information Regarding the Middletown Plate Co./Silver Co.
Re: Information Regarding the Middletown Plate Co./Silver Co.
The Middletown Silver Co., Middletown, was among the exhibitors at the exhibition of the Industries of Middletown, held under the auspices of the Twentieth Century Club in that town.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 30th November 1910
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 30th November 1910
Re: Information Regarding the Middletown Plate Co./Silver Co.
J.W. Johnson - Representing The Middletown Plate Company, Superior Silver Plate, No. 22 John Street.— The leading source of supply for superior silver plate in the metropolis is the establishment of Mr. J. W. Johnson, who has been established here as a dealer in silver plated ware for a period of thirty years, and is prominent in the trade as exclusive New York agent for the Middletown Plate Company, of Middletown, Conn. He now carries the largest and finest assortment of all grades of silverware to be found in New York. The Middletown Plate Company have long been justly celebrated for the elegance and superiority of their productions. They have been engaged in the industry for the past thirty-five years and are thus specially qualified for success therein, bringing to bear ample resources, perfected facilities and expert management. They are noted for the beauty and originality of their designs, the most desirable and popular known to the trade, and all wares stamped with their name attest their purity and excellence. They manufacture full lines of tableware and ornamental articles, including tea and coffee sets, urns, ice pitchers, trays and salvers, cups and spoons, knives and forks, and n vast variety of ornamental articles for decorative purposes. The management is enterprising and progressive, fully sustaining their high reputation, and affording the American public the equal of the finest Hall marked wares of England, at the lowest prices commensurate with quality. Mr. Johnson has a large and influential trade that extends to all parts of the United States, and is in a position to guarantee the prompt and perfect fulfillment of all orders and entire satisfaction to his customers. Mr. Johnson is a native of Middlesex County, N. J., and a citizen of Plain field, N. J., where he owns " Woodbrook Farm," one of the finest stock farms in the State. He is the owner of Young Stamboul and Nominee, and has five stallions and a herd of high-class cattle on his farm that are worthy the inspection of connoisseurs. He is also a director of the First National Bank of Plainfield, N. J., and a sound, reliable and responsible business man.
Source New York - 1894
Source New York - 1894
Re: Information Regarding the Middletown Plate Co./Silver Co.
The Middletown Silver Company - Middletown, Conn. - 1911
Re: Information Regarding the Middletown Plate Co./Silver Co.
The Middletown Plate Co. - Middletown, Conn. - 1898
Re: Information Regarding the Middletown Plate Co./Silver Co.
The Middletown Plate Co. - Middletown, Conn. - 1896
Re: Information Regarding the Middletown Plate Co./Silver Co.
The Middletown Plate Company - Middletown, Conn. - 1898
Re: Information Regarding the Middletown Plate Co./Silver Co.
Tom Davis, the veteran traveler for the Middletown Plate Co,, and Barney Crossin, the genial and smooth man from Providence, of the firm of Crossin & Tucker, were visiting the Chicago trade the last week of January.
Source: The Keystone - February 1893
Source: The Keystone - February 1893
Re: Information Regarding the Middletown Plate Co./Silver Co.
The Middletown Silver Co. - Middletown, Conn. - 1905
Re: Information Regarding the Middletown Plate Co./Silver Co.
Middletown Officials. Officers and directors of the Middletown Silver Company, Middletown, Conn., named in the company’s recent annual report are: Minn S. Cornell, president; Robert W. Merriam, vice-president and secretary; and Joseph Merriam, treasurer. The company specializes in plated hollow-ware and deposit goods.
Source: Connecticut Industry - May 1934
Source: Connecticut Industry - May 1934
Re: Information Regarding the Middletown Plate Co./Silver Co.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 9th April 1919
Re: Information Regarding the Middletown Plate Co./Silver Co.
The Middletown Plate Co. has secured the services of Mr. W. J. Buckley for their western representative at Chicago. Mr. Buckley was formerly at the Chicago office of the New Haven Clock Co., and before that he was with B. F. Norris, Allister & Co.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular and Horological Review - May 1888
Source: The Jewelers' Circular and Horological Review - May 1888
Re: Information Regarding the Middletown Plate Co./Silver Co.
The Middletown Plate Co. is bringing out this season a most unique line of new patterns in silver plated ware, which it is expected will far surpass in popularity any of their novelties of past seasons. In tea sets, tete-a-tete sets, fruit and cake baskets, etc., they have some especially handsome designs. Many of the new designs are in glass, richly colored and elegantly mounted in appropriate patterns. The New York and Chicago branches of this company are kept supplied with a full assortment of the company’s goods, and the new patterns are put upon exhibition at these places as early as possible after being produced at the factory. Besides the two places mentioned, the company has an agency at San Francisco, Cal.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular and Horological Review - April 1888
Source: The Jewelers' Circular and Horological Review - April 1888
Re: Information Regarding the Middletown Plate Co./Silver Co.
The Middletown Plate Co. - Middletown, Conn. - 1898
Re: Information Regarding the Middletown Plate Co./Silver Co.
Middletown Silver Company - New York - 1907
Re: Information Regarding the Middletown Plate Co./Silver Co.
The International Silver Co. has purchased from the New York Trust Co. the property conveyed by the Middletown Plate Co., Hubbard St., Middletown, Conn., 12 years ago. The property consists of a dwelling and adjoining buildings.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 12th March 1913
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 12th March 1913
Re: Information Regarding the Middletown Plate Co./Silver Co.
The Middletown Silver Co., 15 Maiden Lane, will move its offices to larger quarters at 366 Fifth Ave. sometime in April.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 19th February 1919
The Middletown Silver Co., 15 Maiden Lane, will move its offices to larger quarters at 366 Fifth Ave. sometime in April.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 19th February 1919
Re: Information Regarding the Middletown Plate Co./Silver Co.
Frank Tommins, of the Middletown Silver Co., of Middletown, Conn., passed the last week here calling on the trade en route to the northwest.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 7th December 1921
Frank Tommins, of the Middletown Silver Co., of Middletown, Conn., passed the last week here calling on the trade en route to the northwest.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 7th December 1921
Re: Information Regarding the Middletown Plate Co./Silver Co.
The Middletown Silver Co., Middletown, Conn. , is placing on the market Cornwall pewter polish made especially to properly clean pewter and bring back its original luster. The polish is also excellent for silverware.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - December 1930
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - December 1930
Re: Information Regarding the Middletown Plate Co./Silver Co.
Middletown Silver Company - New York - 1931
Re: Information Regarding the Middletown Plate Co./Silver Co.
Among the trade marks granted by the government during the past week was one for the Middletown Silver Co., Middletown, Conn. The trade mark is for silver-plated hollow and table ware.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 25th January 1922
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 25th January 1922