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Injunction Against Receiver of Oneida Silverware Mfg. Co. Dissolved
Oneida, N. Y., May 1.—Supreme Court Justice Scripture has vacated the temporary injunction obtained recently by Sidney W. Moore, of Oneida, against Charles A. Stringer, of Munnsville, as the receiver of the Oneida Silverware Mfg. Co. The injunction restrained the sale of the company’s property at the factory in Wilson St., this city, and ordered that cause be shown why the order of sale should not be modified so as to provide that the sale should not be for an amount less than enough to pay all of the company’s liabilities.
Justice George F. Lyon, one of the Justices of the Supreme Court for the Sixth district, granted the order of sale upon the application of a majority of the directors of the company. The injunction order was obtained from Justice Scripture of the Fifth district, and in Special term at Rome, April 27, the point was raised that the Fifth district Justice had no jurisdiction to interfere with the proceedings directed by the Sixth district Justice. Justice Scripture concluded that he had no jurisdiction to grant the relief prayed for and dismissed the injunction.
Word comes from Oneida that the Oneida Community, Ltd., is making fine progress with the first of the new buildings at Sherrill, which will be devoted to the manufacture of silverware. The construction material is steel and concrete and special care has been taken in the specifications to provide fine light. The Community’s fire fighting facilities are being increased.
The Ministry of Health and Social Services in pursuance of the requirements of Section 115 of the Factories Act (Northern Ireland) 1965 hereby publishes the following list of factory occupiers who, during the month ended 31st May, 1971, made application for and obtained Special Exemption Orders for limited periods from certain provisions of Part VI of the Act:
The Oneida Community is to erect new buildings at Niagara Falls for the purpose of making its Canadian plant independent of the parent factory at Oneida, N.Y. Until now Community Silver has come into Canada partly finished, but shortly it will be manufactured here in its entirety,
Mr. P. B. Noyes, president of the Oneida concern, has recently made an announcement to employees that the "high cost of living" envelope which
they have been receiving since January, 1917, will be replaced by a permanent increase in salaries to the extent of the peak sum reached in the
graduated H. C. of L bonus. This will involve a wage increase of $2,500,000 per year—practically fifty per cent, of the established salaries.