Sheffield Plate ?

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Sheffield Plate ?

Post by Guest »

Is this a Sheffield plate mark on this tray? Its def silverplate over copper but don't know by who.
Thank you for looking.

Also is this silverplate or what?

Post by dmay »

Re the tray, I believe that to be the mark of Elmore Silver Co. of Connecticut, c. 1930-1960's. It's difficult to tell because the center's worn, but take a look at Elmore's mark shown on this website under American Marks.

Post by Guest »

Hmmm, ok I looked up that mark and while it does look right on the money, I am confused, this piece is not sterling, it is silver over copper, from what I read that maker did sterling. Perhaps I over looked something in the description? Thanks for your help.
Site Admin
Posts: 2496
Joined: Fri Apr 01, 2005 6:52 pm

Post by admin »

Hi Pat,
The site is primarily about silver producers, not silverplate makers, but many American companies made both products. Some of these used different trademarks to differentiate between silverplate and sterling, but others did not. So often, the same trademark can be seen on both sterling and silverplate. If the piece is American and sterling, you can rely on the fact that it will be clearly stamped "STERLING" or "925" or "925/1000". If the piece is silverplate you may just have the company trademark, as on your tray, but possibly it may have the addition of EPNS or EPC to let you know the material used. You can look onsite in the Silver Glossary under "Electroplating" to see some of the other silverplate mark possibilities.
Regards, Tom
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