Middletown Silverplate Holloware UNK

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Middletown Silverplate Holloware UNK

Post by cleobird »

Hello. Thank you in advance for any information you can help provide.

I have the following "set". I have no idea what it is. I think the lid goes to it, as it is a perfect fit, but the patterns, though similar, do not seem to match. It is obviously silverplate, as it is peeling in areas.

The marking is very faint (actually, the photo does a much better job than the naked eye!) but I can make out "Middletown"Conn. USA" There is a number that looks like 5590. There is a pattern (I think?) on the top in a marking of some sort...I can make out the last part of the word "craf".

There are no marks on the lid at all. Is there anyway to tell if this is the right lid?



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Post by dognose »


The word that is missing from your worn mark is 'MidSilCraft'.
Rainwater has that as used by the Middletown Silver Co. of Connecticut.
This company was merged with J A Otterbein Co. in 1945 who in turn were bought by Wallace Silversmiths.

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Post by micadee0109 »

Your object is used to arrange a spray of flowers for the table. Water is poured into the bowl, and then stems of the flowers are inserted through holes in the meshed cover.

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Re: Middletown Silverplate Holloware UNK

Post by DeirdreSautter »

Hello! I just purchased this EXACT piece at the Reningers Fair in Mount Dora, Florida this weekend. Since I have the exact same lid and bottom, I would say -Yes-they do go together! I was researching this piece, and this was the second website I came across when lo and behold- there was my exact piece! I found MY answer-what this is! So now I am going to log off and get out into the garden to cut some roses for it!
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