I got this serviette ring just recently. I can't find anything similar to these hallmarks in any of my reference books. I bought it in England, labelled as Australian.
Can anyone help me???
Thanks in advance,
bstaunto wrote:Hi there, i am 99% certain that this is NOT an australain hallmark. I am unable to offer a country of origin yet am sure it isnt an Aussie piece.
I got this serviette ring just recently. I can't find anything similar to these hallmarks in any of my reference books. I bought it in England, labelled as Australian.
Can anyone help me???
Thanks in advance,
rat-tail wrote:Hi Ben. Your napkin ring is definitely South African. The mark of on the left was used by a Durban silversmith working in the 50s and 60s, unfortunately his name slips my mind at present, but I will find out. The marks was supposed to represent Dick King, the boy who rode some 900km from Durban to Grahamstown in the 1840s to alert the British authorities that the garrison at Durban, then Port Natal, was under siege by the Boers. The third mark is probably the springbok head, often used on South African silver in much the same way as the lion passant on English. I may even have a couple of his napkin rings in a drawer somewhere. Will get back to you. Regards Frank