BAILEY&Co. Ladle

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BAILEY&Co. Ladle

Post by SilverSurfer »

Here is the maker's mark on a 24.5 cm commonplace American fiddle-and-thread pattern ladle evidencing very little wear:


There are no other marks such as Shield, U, S, Lion or Eagle. Is this piece coin silver, silverplate, or indeterminate? Rainwater indicates the Bailey firm manufactured silverplate during the time this maker's mark was in use (1848-1878), but does not explicitly indicate whether the plated ware was specifically marked as such. The additional marks indicating coin standard or sterling were introduced as early as 1852 (coin), implying an approximate four year period when the maker's mark was unaccompanied for coin silverware. However, Ensko indicates the early mark was incuse rather than incise, but doesn't give the year of the change. Was this sole maker's mark continued for plated ware, or were there different marks used to denote silverplate? Thanks for any help!

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