As stated, it is yet to be proved that these items do relate to William Bateman I, and members imput would be gratefully received.
The cased portraits are dated August 1826, one of a gentleman, being labeled 'Grandpapa Bateman' and another of a lady, less clearly labeled as what is thought to be ..????? Anna Bateman.
Also discovered are a pair of admission passes to the funeral of the Duke of Wellington in 1852 granted to 'Wm. Bateman'. As William Bateman I died in 1850, they cannot relate to him, but may, perhaps, relate to William Bateman II.
(Images courtesy of Lee Burgess)
The name Bateman is not the rarest to be found, and much work is still needed to be done if these items are to be positively indentified and are connected with the Bateman family of silversmiths. Has anyone any knowledge of a known image of William Bateman I ?
William Bateman (I) married Ann Wilson in 1800. Could it be possible, that as William's mother was named Ann, and he also had an Aunt, by the name of Ann, that his wife was known as Anna, to save confusion?