Serving Piece or Table Scraper?

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Serving Piece or Table Scraper?

Post by AAA »

This is an S Kirk & Son Co piece and I am unsure if it is some sort of serving utensil or a table scraper. It was from a set of pieces that were momogrammed for a wedding in the early 1900's. It is about 13" long and 212 grams. Can some one confirm its purpose for me? Thanks!


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Re: Serving Piece or Table Scraper?

Post by oel »

Hi AAA, welcome to the forum.

This is what I found;
Crumber / Crumb Knife (11 1/2" to 14")
A long handled implement used to remove crumbs from the table between
courses. It has a long blade, flat on the lower edge and a raised gallery edge.
The crumbs are scraped across the table with the flat edge and either
scooped up or brushed onto a napkin or a crumb pan and removed. These pieces started appearing in the U.S. in
the late 1830s. Formerly called a voiding knife. Today, they make excellent serving pieces.

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