Saark Brush/Mirror full of sand?

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Saark Brush/Mirror full of sand?

Post by kerrsy »

Hi all..
On the weekend I took my Saark Bros. sterling silver vanity sets (Brush, mirror, comb) to one of those "we buy all your gold and silver" places and they had said that the brushes and mirrors were "full of sand to give then a weight to hold on to" and thus had to deduct a percentage of the overall siver weight because of this.

Would this be true?

Re: Saark Brush/Mirror full of sand?

Post by Francais »

I have the feeling that your question isn't going to receive a warm reception from a site dedicated to an interest in silver. Having said that it would be difficult to answer anyway. Most vanity sets are weighted but not all. Of course the comb itself, the glass mirror and the brush itself are not sterilng.
The latter two are usually seated into the sterling by use of a sealing wax base. Then the handles may or may not be loaded with sand, plaster, or wax. A place buying scrap will usually estimate (in their favor) the weight. I wouldn't want to comment on the honesty of the kind of people who offer this "service". The way to know for sure is to take apart the pieces yourself, but then most of the purchasers will turn it down as they don't know if all the pieces are sterling.
So as you see there is no answer to your question.
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