Gabriel Player of London

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Gabriel Player of London

Post by weymannrolls »

I find no mention of Gabriel Player, goldsmith of London (active 1700-1713) on the website. My references are i)English Goldsmiths and Their Marks_"Gabl. Player, 1700, ii) Petitioner in 1703 (Calendar of Treasury Books), and iii) Silver dish by Gabriel Player (Sotheby's Olympia 2007) hallmarked for 1713.
Reading the Will of Gabriel Player, Gentleman of West Malling, Kent (proved 1744) , I see that he left property in Sharp's Alley, Cow Cross St. Sepulchres (London/Middlesex) to his wife Jane, and other properties in St. Sepulchres to his daughter Mary Clarke, the wife of John Clarke. Gabriel's previous occupation is unfortunately not stated, but I would appreciate any further information to establish a link (or otherwise) with the London goldsmith.
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Re: Gabriel Player of London

Post by dognose »


Welcome to the Forum.

Grimwade records the following:

PLAYER, Gabriel: Son of Isaac (Izack) Player late of Owldford(?) in the county of Middlesex yeoman, apprenticed to John Hudson for eight years 'from the 24th June last' 6 July 1687. Free, 24th June 1696. Livery, October 1708. Mark entered as largeworker, 3 August 1700. Address: 'at Ratcliff'. Heal records him as a plateworker, Ratcliff, 1700-4; near Wapping Dock, 1710; and Malling Kent, 1727.

The Malling, Kent connection, seems to provide the link.

Can you provide us with the details of the will?

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Re: Gabriel Player of London

Post by weymannrolls »

Hi Trev.
Many thanks for your welcome and quick response, which is very informative and encouraging.
I will certainly provide a transcript of Gabriel Player's will, but this might take a day or two...
Meanwhile, can you advise me of the most appropriate section to post it (if not this one); also I am intrigued to know if 'Heal' provided a source/reference for Player at Malling in 1727?
Re. Grimwade's 'Owldford' in Middlesex, this is (I hesitate to say 'almost'!) certainly Old Ford near Bethnal Green, just east of the City of London.
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Re: Gabriel Player of London

Post by dognose »


If you could place the details of the will in this topic: ... 38&t=21553 that would be great.

I'm afraid Heal offers no further detail.

Your suggestion of Old Ford sounds good to me.

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Re: Gabriel Player of London

Post by dognose »

The details of the Will of Gabriel Player have kindly been added by member weymannrolls

They are to be found on page 2 of: Goldsmiths' Wills

Should any further detail regarding Gabriel Player come to light, they will appear in the 'Grimwades Updates' section at: ... 74&t=37873

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