As Trev points out, it is from Jezler, city of Schaffhausen in Swizerland. They are still in business, check their website:
They produced in .750 finess until about 1880, afterwards they used .800 alloy. Your marking is typical for a period around 1870, maybe between 1860 and 1870.
"Boxler" is the retailer, Alois Boxler, (1807 - 1876), from Lichtensteig. Lichtensteig was and is a small village, however due to religious tolerance and regular markets, it was rather wealthy and could afford many silversmith (and retailers) in their walls.
AWL is the monogram of the maker, nothing to say here, it was common to put your Initials on your silver. The item Looks like a soup ladle. If it weights 150 - 200 grams and measure around 30 cm in lenght it is a soup ladle.
We should see a Picture from the top side to see the pattern, but I assume a Standard fiddle pattern.
Regards, Jörg