I've never come across one of these and wondered if anyone can share an example of such a piece with us?
Quentell Automatic Spoon Co. - Cincinnati - 1894
It was invented and patented by Carl A. Quentell of New Orleans, and as can be seen from the advertisement, they were made in Sterling.
Anybody got one?
Has Anyone Ever Seen One of These? - 1
Re: Has Anyone Ever Seen One of These? - 1
The Quintell Automatic Spoon Co., of Cincinnati, have been incorporated by Carl A. Quintell, Dwight Kinney, George Chamblis, J. C. Sherlock and E. E. Miller. They have a capital stock of $10,000, and will deal in " automatic cover spoons."
Source: The Jewelers' Circular and Horological Review - 24th January 1894
Source: The Jewelers' Circular and Horological Review - 24th January 1894