In 1933, in Veliki Ustyug, M.P. Chirkov founded the "Severnaya Chern" artel.В 1933 году в Великом Устюге М. П. Чирковым основывается артель «Северная чернь».
Qrt.S wrote:The factory's name "Фабрика Северная Чернь" means "Factory Northern Caucasus". The cups are made exactly in 1965. The number 5 in the mark tells us that. The Greek alpha in the hallmark stands for "Leningrad's inspectorate" (Don't ask me why Leningrad.
Thank you in advance
According to Troepolskaja #20095 on page 638 and what Goldstein also wrote the year is 1965. What is the source for the year 1955? By the way, this СЧ5 is not a hallmark it is a maker's mark. A hallmark is the official punch like the kokoshniks, five star etc...Qrt.S wrote:Sorry, sorry, I was disturbed, the name of the factory is of course "Northern BLACK"