Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery - Hobart

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Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery - Hobart

Post by dognose »

Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery
Dunn Place
Hobart TAS 7000

Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery

Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG) is Tasmania's leading natural, cultural and heritage organisation. It is a combined museum, art gallery and herbarium which safeguards the physical evidence of Tasmania's natural and cultural heritage, and the cultural identity of Tasmanians.

TMAG is Australia's second-oldest museum and has its origins in the collections of Australia's oldest scientific society, the Royal Society of Tasmania, established in 1843. The first permanent home of the museum opened on the corner of Argyle and Macquarie streets in 1863 and the museum has gradually expanded from this corner to occupy the entire city block.

The TMAG precinct is one of Australia's most historically significant sites. Included in the precinct is Tasmania's oldest surviving public building, the 1808-10 Commissariat Store; the Private Secretary's Cottage, built prior to 1815 and originally adjacent to old Government House; and Tasmania's first federal building, the 1902 Custom House.

The collections include an interesting display of silver, including that of the convict silversmith, Jacob Josephson.

Opening hours: 10.00am - 4.00pm (Tuesday-Sunday 1st April - 24th December) Daily 26th December - 31st March) (Closed Good Friday, Anzac Day, and Christmas Day).

Admission: Free

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