After consult with Mr. Jan Schipper of Mr Jan Schipper kindly informed me.
The text of the 1932 edition of the Friese Voet (Merken van Friesche Goud en Zilversmeden door Elias Voet Jr. 1932 page 233). The text in question contains a number of factual inaccuracies. For example the statement about the "teekenen" ( assay) of Shoe maker's guild batch is incorrectly dated. It is not 1686, but 1687. To be precise, it is mentioned in the Guild's Craft book (Ambagtboek) dated August 19, 1687. The correct transcription reads:
Den 19 Augustij heeft die froetsman
Hicht laeten teickenen het schoen-
maeker gildegoet soo aen leepels
als aen ander goet swaar twee hondert
ses en negentigh lood
or on 19th of August 1687 craftsman (silver smith) Hicht brought in for assay the Shoe maker's Guild batch of spoons and other items weighting two hundred ninety-six lood.
We think that this guild not only had shoemakers, but also other leather workers as makers of (horse) harness and saddles, etc. among its members. Regardless of the number of the guild's members, it appears to have been a fairly wealthy organization, given the amount of silver involved. At the end of the 17th century, a kilo of fine silver cost around 100 guilders, and that is not a small amount at that time.
Your spoon, we believe is no fake and in fact, most likely it is one of the spoons referred to in the text of the Ambagtboek of 19 August 1687. Two other specimens from 1687 are known to Mr. Schipper. One of these has the same design as your spoon. The other copy has a different type of lobe stem.
A nice thing to know as you already noticed is that the true Dokkum town marks for 1687 can be recognized because of a characteristic damage in the year letter P. All silver that we know of that year letter show the same damage in the form of a crack in the punch mark that runs from the center of the underside from the loop of the P to the bottom of the stick of the letter. The year letter P of your spoon also shows this characteristic damage.
Gratitude Jan Schipper