4 Dublin spoons, maker ID? Date?

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4 Dublin spoons, maker ID? Date?

Post by Sparta5 »

These came in a set of 3. From what I can tell online they are from Dublin, Ireland. However, the date mark is missing..... of course. Also, the maker seems to be conflicted between 3 names. John Laughlin Senior: 1745-1774, John Lloyd Senior: 1768-1821, John Locker: 1758-1825. They also each have a family crest? on the back, I really can't tell what it is? Can anyone help out?

This one bears the Dublin marks again but the maker mark is worn in oblivion. I can somewhat make out a curve? Possibly a C?
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Re: 4 Dublin spoons, maker ID? Date?

Post by silvermakersmarks »

The outlined harp mark shows that both marks are 1786 or earlier. All 3 of the IL makers fit this time frame and it is unfortunate that our authority on Dublin marks, Douglas Bennett, has not been able to distinguish between them, so it won't be possible to tie it down to just one of them.

Your second mark (please remember in future - only 1 query per post) is also difficult. I am not convinced that the first punch (before the harp and Hibernia) is a date mark, as the date letters always extend pretty much right to the top edge of the punch and there is a definite gap in yours. It may therefore be a maker's mark but I cannot make out what it might be.

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