Silver plated sugar tongs

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Silver plated sugar tongs

Post by MiB »

I have this sugar/ice cubes tongs from France. I am saying it with caution because some of my previous items turned up not to be of French provenance at all.
Although the tangs have visible areas very the silver rubbed off and the base metal shows there is no visible hallmark I can see. So perhaps someone might be able to tell me a bit more based on the decoration.

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Re: Silver plated sugar tongs

Post by JayT »

In general, French silver plate should have a manufacturer’s mark in a square reserve. An exception would be that each item in a set might not be marked.
The base metal showing through the plating appears to be brass. French platers usually plate over nickel.
The style of the sugar nips is eclectic, mid-to-late 19thC, and is not specific to France.
Overall, I don’t think there is good evidence that your item is French.
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