In 1608 the 3 towers was used for the first time. The first guardein was Peter Buræus (1677-1679) - I do not have his mark but it was "PB over W".
Next guardein was Conrad Ludolph (1679-1729). Not in my collection but "CL over MW" or "C.L." was his mark.
The third guardein was Peter Sonderburg (1729) - only active a few month "PS over W"
Peter Nicolai von haven (1729-1749)
Christopher Fabritius (1749-1787)
His son Frederik Fabritius (1787-1823) used an "F" in a circle of dots.
Christian Næboe (1823-1827)
Used an "N" in a plain circle.
Jacob Graah Fabritius (1827-1831) the third Fabritius as guardein. The "F" in a circle.
Due to this dynasty of guardeins danish silver from 1700/1800 has got the nick name "Fabritius Silver" this name is from the days when the makers were on known- so they used that name.
Christian Olsen Møller (1831-1840)
Peter R. Hinnerup (1840-1863)
Simon Groth (1863-1904)
During his period the oblication to stamp silver became up to the individual maker. On January 1st 1893 the obligation stoped. Decimal calculation was introduced instead of lod. The 3 towers could be used all over Denmark. Up to this time only Copenhagen was permited to use the 3 towers. His mark is an "S in a G"
Christian F. Heise (1904-1932)
He was "city guardein" nr 12 and the last one. He became wery rich because everybody from all over Denmark had their silver tested by him. Afterwards the title was changed to "State guardein"
Now the silver bible says Jens Sigsgaard but in fact his name was Johannes Siggaard (1932-1960)