I recently purchased a small snuff box which I believe is Dutch. In the bottom of the box is a sword mark with a duty restitution mark stamped into it. On the lid near the top is another sword mark. The grid behind the pictures is in centimetres by the way.
I have also found what seem to be Swedish duty marks of a triple crown in an oval next to an "S" in a hexagon on one side of the lid.
I have circled and enlarged the marks to the top, left and right (Swedish). The bottom mark circled is a quality mark "830".
I think the three letter mark inside a flattened hexagon just above and to the right of the "M2" mark is the Dutch maker. I can't make it all out under magnification. I think it could be _NK, _NR, _MK or _MR. Can't make out that first character.
I thought M2 was the Swedish date mark for 1794 which is clearly wrong. However I found an old thread in the forum suggesting M is for Schoonhoven and the 2 is for the alloy 833 purity which does match the "830 on the lid.
Does anyone have enough detail to identify the maker please? And are these Swedish marks import marks?
Thank you in advance.
Ian T