Sabbatia Silver Company?

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Sabbatia Silver Company?

Post by OldSchool »

I have come across a mark on some silver plated sugar bowls which doesn't appear to be recorded anywhere else. This is the mark:


The bowls themselves are twin-handled, possibly for sugar:


My thinking is that "Sabbatia" may be a branding exercise by one of the Taunton-based silver manufacturers (Massachusetts). Lake Sabbatia is just outside the city, and seems to be the only tenuous link I can establish between the word Sabbatia and silver. Companies based in Taunton included Reed & Barton, R.B Rogers, the Poole Silver Company, and the Taunton Silverplate Company.

I have found two other examples of very similar bowls, with near-identical handles, one marked "Sheffield" (which I take to be the Sheffield Plate Company, later part of Reed & Barton, although I have not seen the mark) and the other for "J Rogers" of New York.

Has anyone come across the Sabbatia Silver Company before, and if not, does my theory sound plausible?
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Joined: Sun Aug 15, 2021 9:41 am
Location: Oxford, England

Re: Sabbatia Silver Company?

Post by OldSchool »

I have spent several more fruitless hours trying to uncover information on this company, without success. There does not appear to be any other record of a Sabbatia Silver Co, in Taunton, or anywhere else.

In the hope of being helpful, this is the example of the same two-handled bowl, marked for "Sheffield", but with the identical product code of 3101.


While this pair, with what appear to be the same handles, are marked for J Rogers of New York:

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