:::: Searching for [AMB] in a cartouche with serrated edges found on a teaspoon with a rounded handle-end that at first makes you think it might be a coffin-end teaspoon but really it's a "rounded-end" teaspoon ::: this style has been seen circa 1790-1810 so if there are any candidates for [AMB] it would help to know if there are any possibilities because I have searched and can't figure it out. ::::: It is not [LAMB] by the way it is definitely [AMB] in capital letters and the teaspoon form seems consistent with 1790-1810 ::::
:::: Camera completely died, will get new camera, just decided to make a thread anyway, I know the "please post pic" commandment message is incoming. :::::
:::: [AMB :::: [AMB} ::::
[AMB] c.1795
Re: [AMB] c.1795
::: Now it looks like AMR but it is so lightly struck it is hard to interpret. ::::::
Re: [AMB] c.1795
::::: Upon further inspection it is [AMB] after all ::::::: Might be earlier than 1795 but not by much is my best guess at this time :::::::::::::::::::