This set of marks is on Danish enamelled tea caddy spoon. EF within square brackets does not match any silversmith initials known to me.
Thanks for helping.
E.F...................................................Einar Fiberg - Copenhagen 1905 - 1937
E.F...................................................H.Ellegaard Frederiksen - Horsens 1946 - 1958
E.F...................................................Einer Bernhard Fehrn - Copenhagen 1962 - 1972
E.F...................................................Einer Fehrn / Ravfehrn Aps - Copenhagen/Frederiksberg/Søborg 1972 - 2010
Danish EF silversmith
Re: Danish EF silversmith
Haven't been able to find any similar pieces with the [EF] mark yet.
Do you have any images of the mark you can post?
Do you have any images of the mark you can post?