PA crowned mark on condiment spoon

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PA crowned mark on condiment spoon

Post by lukebgi »

Hi all - not sure if anything has come across this mark before? I'd estimate the spoon to be c.1800 - sadly in very poor condition, feel like it may have been underground at some point in its life! Maker's mark twice in irregular-shaped punch.
Any thoughts welcome.

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Re: PA crowned mark on condiment spoon

Post by Aguest »

::::: Pierre Amraux II was working since 1747 and died in 1808, he has the crown above the PA hallmark, but he did have a son Pierre Amraux III who was born in 1779 and has been working since 1800 and is associated with Amiraux, Le Breton & Co until 1832, and these pieces might have used the mark of his father, but the mark seems to be unknown, is it possible that your double-struck hallmark is the mark of the son Pierre Amiraux III. :::::::

:::::: If anyone owns a book on the silver of the Channel Islands, there might be more information contained therein. :::::

:::::: Jersey, Channel Islands ::::::
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Re: PA crowned mark on condiment spoon

Post by lukebgi »

Thanks Aguest, an interesting question indeed as to whether the mark of Pierre Amraux II may have been used beyond his lifetime. It would be great to hear from other forum users whether there are known illustrations of the crowned PA mark for comparison.

Another interesting thread I came across suggests a Pierre Amraux was in Canada towards the end of the 18th century - coincidentally where this spoon was found [of course I'm not (necessarily) suggesting any connection as we all know how silver travels around the world!].
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Re: PA crowned mark on condiment spoon

Post by Aguest »

::::: "The four prominent Jersey merchant companies sent a letter to Lt General Don, Governor of Jersey, on 27 April 1812 about the import of goods from France, which a recent law permitted to merchants in England, but which had not included merchants in Jersey. The letter was from Charles Chevalier, Amiraux Le Breton and Co, Hemery Brothers and Co, Ph Janvrin and Francis Janvrin.
In 1814 a newspaper advert describes the shop of Mrs Le Feurve as being opposite Messrs Hemery shop, but does not say where either is.
Hemery Brothers also owned property in Labrador. The only record of it comes from the sale details found in the Chronique de Jersey for 21 January 1815". ::::::

::::: Is that the same Labrador Island (famous for Labradorite) Newfoundland Canada? :::::::

::::: I'm looking for a connection between Amiraux and Canada. ::::::::
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Re: PA crowned mark on condiment spoon

Post by Aguest »

::::: Was it Pierre Amiraux III who had travelled from Jersey to Canada, but ultimately decided to stay in Canada and raise a family? :::::::

::::: I was thinking that your condiment spoon was manufactured in Jersey and imported to Canada (perhaps by the company Amiraux Le Breton and Co.) but if he decided to stay in Canada and raise a family, is it possible that he remained an active silversmith in Canada? Perhaps this condiment spoon was actually made in Canada? Records are difficult for me to find. ::::::
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