Again a puzzle for me.
It looks like the makerskmark is TS, the rest is not clear for me. If I look at the book of Citroen I see some TS makersmarks, but nobody corresponds with the other marks. I appreciate help from you....
Silver from a bible, 18th century?
Re: Silver from a bible, 18th century?
Two silver bible corner pieces, and an ornamental piece.
Town mark, a bell for the city of Franeker, province of Friesland
Two lions passant, the province of Friesland 1st standard mark for silver minimum 934/000
Friesian year letter, G (faded) for 1759
The maker's mark TS for Tammo Salverda, active in Franeker 1732-1765
Merken van Friesche goud en zilver smeden door Elias Voet Jr, published in 1932.
Source; Karel Citroen, Dutch Goldsmiths'and silversmiths'Marks and Names prior to 1812, Merken van Friesche goud en zilver smeden door Elias Voet Jr, published in 1932.