Could you please help identify this hallmarks? Website pages don't show these symbols.
The item is French-style pocket watch case from 1780-1800s.
It could be from other continental Europe country (not Britain), but I believe it is from France.
I bought this case in Norway, so maybe it is Scandinavian marks? I don't know..
unusual French pocket watch mark HRT, 1780-s
I've moved the post because they are definitely not French poincons. Had some trouble figuring out where to put your post, because they are unusual marks and I do not recognize them. They are most similar to American coin silver pseudomarks, but I thought I would give them wider exposure in this category - for a little while.
Regards, Tom
I've moved the post because they are definitely not French poincons. Had some trouble figuring out where to put your post, because they are unusual marks and I do not recognize them. They are most similar to American coin silver pseudomarks, but I thought I would give them wider exposure in this category - for a little while.
Regards, Tom