Minerva head with regional assay office letter M for Schoonhoven.
After a difficult delivery we can finally give it a name. Cornelis van Dam Kooijman, registered in Schoonhoven, started on 8-3-1812 and stopped on 3-6-1862. The engraved decoration on the peppermint box is typical for his work. He used a guilloche machine. His master mark in square VDK with serifs under a pince-nez/spectacles.
NB. The standard literature with images of master marks, these marks are mainly drawn by Mr. W. Koonings. In his working life he was, among other things, an inspector at the Waarborg. Koonings has published various books on silver marks and master marks.
The problem is that although these master marks were drawn by him to the best of his ability, unfortunately as it turns out, all kinds of details are not correct. Serifs were often forgotten. And then everyone copied them, up to the present day.
Source; Waarborgholland, ˜Netherlands' Responsibility Marks since 1797. Zilversmeden van de Stad Schoonhoven by S. A. C Begeer, E. Hak & L. Linhart-du Cloux
In consultation with René Kappers, expert Schoonhovens silver and masters & history