Help identifying hallmarks

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Help identifying hallmarks

Post by bortolot »

Hi Everyone,

Unfortunately this post is slightly off topic since it is about gold hallmarks rather than silver ones. Sorry! However, I thought that someone on this forum might be able to help me out or point me in the right direction. The hallmarks I am trying to identify are on a Vacheron & Constantin wristwatch that was made around 1958. I am guessing that they may be French or Portuguese, but I haven't been able to find an exact match. The first hallmark looks like an eagle facing to the left with the number two next to it, and the second consists of the letters CP. I made a sketch of the hallmarks which I have attached to the e-mail (unfortunately they are too small for me to be able to photograph them). Thank you very much in advance for any suggestions or information.

Zack Bortolot

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Help identifying hallmarks

Post by kerangoumar »

Let's hope you see this post.

Very small marks such as you describe are almost invariably French; the eagle is the 18k drawback mark that came into use May 10, 1838. The numeral denotes it as the second standard. As for the CP -- qui sait?
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Post by dnl »

Your posting is from May and I am not sure of your lingering interest as I do not visit this site too regularly but as I see it the shape of your mark is distinct enough to eliminate the French eagle as well as it facing the wrong way, the Portugal mark does not have the standard number you have drawn it. The closest mark that I find to match is the Slovakia mark below. The outline does not match but everything else does. Look at it again and see how close it is or is not.

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