Online Encyclopedia of Silver Marks, Hallmarks & Makers' Marks
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1859 1866 |
(Тарту / Дерпт) Located in Estonia. Mark used in 17th/18th/19th centuries was sword crossed with a key. The gated towers mark came into use in the mid 19th C. Tartu Arms |
Rubert Hermann (silversmith) Р. Hерманн Mihail Medvedev (assayer) М. Медведев Tartu 1859 Christian Nagel (silversmith) К. Нагел Mihail Medvedev (assayer) М. Медведев Tartu 1866 |
1878 1880s-90s |
(Тифлис / Тбилиси) Located in Georgia. Between 1842 and 1886 the town mark depicted St. George mounted on his horse, it is easily confused with Moscow's city mark of the same theme. In the 1880s, the town mark was changed to a symbol that is a stylization of the arms, cross & crescent seen in the center of the coat of arms. Tbilisi Arms |
silversmith (not applicable) Egor Blyumberg (assayer) Э. Блюмберг Tiflis 1856 silversmith (not applicable) Egor Blyumberg (assayer) Э. Блюмберг Tiflis 1878 |
late 18th C. |
(Тобольск) Tobolsk Arms |
1845 1862 1880s-90s |
(Тула) Historically a metal working center, from the late 18th century, Tula's mark depicts crossed engraving tools with chasing hammer above and below. Tula Arms |
Nikolay Kuznetsov (silversmith) Н. Кузнецов Ivan Artamonov (assayer) И. Артамонов Tula 1854 unidentified silversmith Ivan Kapuskin (assayer) Иван Капускин Tula 1862 | |
c.1830s c.1850s |
(Великы Устюг) As from the mid 18th C., the town mark depicts Aquarius, the water bearer. From 1768-1782, the double headed eage with "??" below was used. Veliky Ustyug Arms |
Aleksandr Zhilin (silversmith) А. Зhилин Nikolay Igumnov (assayer) Н. Игумнов Veliky Ustyug 1830 Mikhail Koshkov (silversmith) Михаил Кошков Gustav Shterkh (assayer) Густав Сhтерх Veliky Ustyug 1852 |
from c.1845 late 19th C. |
(Вилнюс / Вильно) Located in Lithuania. The mark depicts "Vytis the White Knight" astride his horse and wielding a sword. This mark was used 1845-1899 and is sometimes confused with the similar town mark for Moscow. County Arms |
S. Krumgalz (silversmith) С. Крумгалз Timofey Tripetsky (assayer) Т. Трипецкы Vilnius 1866 Shlioma Yalovtsin (silversmith) С. Йаловцин Aleksandr Krollau (assayer) А. Кроллау Vilnius 1894 |
c.1840 |
(Воронеж) The town mark depicts the double headed imperial eagle halved above an overturned silver jug spilling water. Voronezh Arms |
unidentified silversmith unidentified assayer Voronezh 1840 |
1860s-1870s 1882-1899 1852-1899 |
(Варшава) Located in Poland. From 1852-1899, an Imperial Russian Assay office was functioning in Warsaw, the city mark was the Imperial Eagle. This mark is often confused with those of Minsk or Kamenetz-Podolsk. Imperial Arms |
unidentified silversmith J. Biedgunowski (assayer) І. Биедгуноwски Warsaw 1865 Fryderyk Roever (silversmith) ?. ?????? Josef Sosnkovski (assayer) Іос Сосоковский Warsaw 1875 Josef Sosnkovski (assayer) Іос Сосоковский Warsaw 1883 | |
c.1770 mid to late 19th cent. |
(ЯрославлЬ) A walking bear with a halberd in shoulder arms. In use from the mid 18th century, some early examples show the bear facing right. Yaroslavl Arms |
Nikolay Druzhinin (silversmith) Николаы Дружинин unidentified assayer Yaroslavl 1883 |
c.1850's c.1860's 3rd Q. 19th C. |
(Житомир) Located in Ukraine. Town mark is a three towered castle with gate from c.1825. Zhitomir Arms |
unidentified silversmith Yakov Davydov (assayer) Йаков Давыдов Zhitomir 1857 {silversmith not shown) Yakov Davydov (assayer) Йаков Давыдов Zhitomir 1861 unidentified silversmith unidentified assayer Zhitomir 1875 |
Золотое и серебряное дело XV-ХХ вв - M.M. Postnikova-Loseva, Ivanova, Uljanova; Nauka, 1983 Russian Gold and Silver - Alexander von Solodkoff; Trefoil Books, 1981 Russian Silver - Andrei Gilodo; Beresta Moscow, 1993 Znaki srebra do lat 40. dwudziestego wieku w Polsce - Sławomir Bołdok; Mako Press, 2005 Silver Marks Forum - various member posts, 2005-2013 |
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