China Trade SilverThe marks used in the years of the China Trade Period (c. 1775 - 1880) on Chinese silver made for the Western market are often mistaken for the British Hallmarks they were intended to copy. Their resemblance to the pseudomarks found on American coin silver adds further confusion to the mix. Below are some illustrated examples with attributions and rough time frames. Also illustrated are a number of later marks from makers whom catered to the Western market.
The page is under construction, more information will be added as time allows. Most of the information here is derived from "Chinese Export Silver 1785 to 1885" by Forbes, Kernan & Wilkins (pub. Museum of the China Trade, 1975), some came anecdotally with "The Chait Collection of Chinese Export Silver" by John Devereux Kernan as the original source.
Where possible, a photographic example of the silversmith's work has been linked to his name.