| Makers' Mark
| Period & Location
| Notes
John Nicholson II
| Cork
| The Nicholsons
John & Nicholas Nicholson
| Cork
| The Nicholsons
John Purcell
| c.1787-c.1813 "under the King's Head Tavern nearly opposite the Exchange" Limerick
| His death was recorded on 19 May 1813 and he was buried at St. John's. However, another John Purcell (his son?) was recorded as working in Patrick Street (1820) and Henry Street (1824-1846).
James Ridge
| active 2nd H. 18th C. Cork
| First mention 1662, received Freedom 1673, Master of the Cork Goldsmiths Company 1673. Believed working until 1700.
John Robinson
| active 2nd Q. 18th C. Limerick
| Possibly apprenticed to Dublin silversmith, Matthew Walker, 1717. Mayor of Limerick 1742. Died April 1753. His son, Joseph, was also a silversmith
Joseph Robinson
| active 2nd H. 18th C. Limerick
| Son of John Robinson, silversmith. Born 1735, married Ann Barrington in 1763.
John Irish
| 1748-1780 North Liberties
| John Irish, son of John Irish, Gentleman, of Poulancurry, Cork. Apprenticed to William Williamson of Dublin in 1741. See alternate marks; "II" "I.IRISH" and "JRH". Another mark, presumably an early one, not illustrated; "I·I below a crown".
Isaac Solomon
| active by 1801 Patrick's Street (1801-1810)
| Died 1845. His working dates beyond 1810 are not known.
Isaac Solomon or
John Seymour
| (for Solomon, see above entry)
c.1809-after 1833 Carey's Lane, Patrick's St.(1820) William Street (1828-1833) Cork
| Registered at Dublin 1827. Bennett lists this mark as for Solomon, Seymour seems a more likely possibility.
John Warner
| 4th Q. 18th C. North Main St. (1787 & 1797) Cork
| Apprenticed to William Reynolds, 1768. Received freedom, 1775 and registered at Dublin, 1784. Deceased c.1810
John Williams
| Cork
| Terry/Williams