Amos Doolittle New Haven, CT (b.1754 - d.1832) Active from c1775, silversmith, jeweler & engraver of printing plates. |
Leonore Doskow Inc.
Montrose, New York ~ 1934 - Present Handmade sterling jewelry & novelty items. |
George Christopher Dowig Philadelphia, PA & Baltimore, Md (b.1724-d.1807)Active in Philadelphia from c.1765, in Baltimore by 1773. |
George R. Downing Newark NJ & New York NY Active Newark c1815 - 1825 and later in NY. |
Karl Drerup
(1904-2000) New Hampshire
active after 1940 Enamelist & studio jeweler |
Samuel Drowne Portsmouth, New Hampshire (b.1749 - d.1815) |
Tunis D. DuBois New York, NY (b.1773 - d.1843) Active c1794 - c1820, silversmith |
Theodore Dubosq Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Active ca. 1829 - 1850 |
Duhme & Co Cincinatti, Ohio active c.1839-1910, major manufacturer of silver holloware and flatware. |
Anthony Dumesnil Lexington, KY Active c1818 until his death in 1833 |
Jean Baptiste Dumoutet Philadelphia, PA & Charleston, SC (b.1761-d.1813)Active 1793-1813, opened branch shop in Charleston, 1802. |
Dunkirk Silversmiths Meriden, CT c1945 - 1950, manufacturers of sterling and silverplated wares. |
Cary Dunn Underhill VT, Morristown NJ, Newark NJ & New York NY (d.1798) working from c1765 - 1823 |
Daniel Dupuy Sr. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1719-1807) Active ca. 1746 until his death. From c1760 mostly in partnerships with other silversmiths. |
Daniel Dupuy Jr. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1753-1826) Active from ca. 1772 to 1810, in partnership of Dupuy & Sons 1772 - 1805 |
Wm. B. Durgin Co. Concord, NH & Providence, RI c.1880 - 1905
Successors to William B. Durgin. The firm was absorbed into Gorham who continued the use of the "script D" mark until ca. 1930 |
William B. Durgin Concord, NH Early marks, used in the second half of the 19th Century. |
Durham Silver Co. New York, NY c1950s - 1960s, manufacturers of sterling holloware. |
Louis F. Durussel Owego, New York Swiss emigre, 1850. Retailer, listed as a jeweler from 1860-1890. |