Wendell & Co. New York, NY ~ 1904 - 1909 NY Retail outlet of Chicago's Wendell Manufacturing Co. |
Werman location unknown Active 1st H. 20th C., mark found on handwrought Arts & Crafts style sterling holloware.
Joseph Werne Jr. Louisville, Kentucky (b.1837-d.1903) Active from c.1858, jeweler, watchmaker & retail silversmith. Son of Joseph Werne Sr.(b.1808-d.1858) of Speigelhalder & Werne, Joe Werne most likely got his training there. Partnerships: John Kitts & Co. (c.1858-1863) with John Kitts and S. W. Warriner, Kitts & Werne(1864-1878), Werne traded under his own name thereafter.
Conn Harris West Athens, Georgia (b.1909-d.1992) Active mid-20th century, maker of handwrought sterling holloware and gold & silver jewelry. West studied with Ann Orr Morris, another Athens craftswoman.
West Earth Inc. Seattle, WA ~ 1980-1985 Successors to E. J. Towle Co., succeeded by Metal Arts Group, Ltd. |
John L. Westervelt Newburgh, NY Active c.1826 - 1850 |
William Marcellus Weston Boston & Melrose, Massachusetts (b.1820-d.1901) In directories 1862-1894, watchmaker, jeweler & retail silversmith.
Thomas Whartenby & Co. (attrib.) Philadelphia, Pa Active c.1847-c.1851, 33 N. Sixth St. |
Thomas Whartenby Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (b.c.1787-d.1861) Active c.1811-1850, working silversmith.
Whartenby & Bumm Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Active c.1816-1818, working silversmiths. Thomas Whartenby & Peter Bumm.
Ralph Wheeler Hudson, New York (b.1807) Active from c.1835-aft.1875, watchmaker, jeweler & retailer, still listed as working in NYS census of 1875.
Wheeler & Son Salem, NJ Active 1850/60s - watchmakers, jewelers & silversmiths |
Wheelock Silversmiths Newport, Rhode Island Active c.1948-c.1985, handwrought sterling holloware, some plated ware. Founded by Emil H. Pflock (b.1920-d.1990) & Frank G. Wheeler, Wheelock is derived from their surnames. Wheeler left the concern in the mid-50s, Pflock continued producing under the name until his retirement.
Samuel H. Wherritt Richmond, Kentucky (b.1799-d.1877) Active 1824-1877, working silversmith, clock & watchmaker. Highly successful in the trade, although marked silver examples are uncommon.
William Whetcroft Annapolis, Maryland (b.1735-d.1799) Active from c.1766-aft.1783, silversmith, clock & watchmaker, jeweler, gunsmith & importer. Also operated an iron mill at Elkridge Landing, near Baltimore.
1773 Whetcroft Advertisement
Charles White Mobile, Alabama (b.1798-d.1848) Active from 1825, merchant, importer, clock & watchmaker, jeweler & silversmith.
Peregrine White Boston, MA & Woodstock, CT (b.1747-d.1834) Active 1767-1774 in Boston, 1774-1810 in Woodstock. Silversmith, clock and instrument maker |
Silas White New York, NY Active 1791 - 1798, born Southampton, NY c.1737 |